New Humanitarian Activity carried out through the Bitcoin Cash campaign"Donate food to needy people"

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Today we have great news, we carry out a new humanitarian activity and we have already attended a total of 390 people, we have also started the preparation of an adoption activity on Bitcoin Cash.

We are happy to publish new news, we have carried out a new activity to donate food to people in need and we have managed to provide food to 70 people who live on the streets to reach a total of 390 people served in our humanitarian activities.

This time we must thank our friend @RogerVer very much thanks to the trust and his contribution in Bitcoin Cash this humanitarian activity was possible.

Every day we want to improve and we want to make larger food contributions and thus cover a greater number of people in need of food who live on the streets and we know that every day we are achieving it, we continue to donate food to people who need it thanks to your support and contribution, every day more people from the Bitcoin Cash Community join and this fills us with joy and excitement.

We continue to focus on our goals of continuing to donate food to needy people living on the street, but we continue with our dream of being able to promote this humanitarian activity to a new level, we are consolidating our first goal of providing more food per person so that they can feed themselves. with a more elaborate meal thanks to our humanitarian work. We trust that in the next food donation activities we will be able to further consolidate our objective. This objective entails more expenses, increases our level of donation collection, but we are sure of achieving it.

Our second objective is destined to the Donation of medicines to these people who live on the street and who do not have any government medical service, a doctor has joined our team of volunteers with which we provide free care to people who are vulnerable to a wide variety of diseases, We live in a country where the health system is collapsed and does not work, the government does not care about the health of people who live on the street, that is why we set this goal and we are aware that we can buy and donate medicines such as:

  • Acetaminofén 500 mg

  • Aspirina 1 mg

  • Atamel 500 mg

  • Antigripal 

  • Amlodipino 10 mg

  • Amoxicilina

  • Ampicilina

  • Carvedilol 15 mg 

  • Diclofenaco sódico 10 mg 

  • Diclofenaco potásico 10 mg 

  • Losartán 50 mg

  • Protector gástrico

  • Vitamina A

  • Vitamina C

  • Vitamina D

  • Ansiolíticos

  • Protective masks

We ae at a time when we are also trying to contribute our help to the adoption of Bitcoin Cash and for people to observe that we have achieved great progress in our humanitarian activity thanks to Bitcoin Cash. We have managed to talk with @Keith_Patrick who recommended that we take advice with @georgedonnelly , being a person very interested in the adoption of Bitcoin Cash, we received optimal advice in which he provided us with information on how to further join our humanitarian campaign to the adoption of Bitcoin Cash. For this reason we have decided to save part of the funds collected to distribute informational flyers along with donated food and in the same way create representative uniforms about Bitcoin Cash, as a method of encouraging people to adopt Bitocin cash, as well as showing the great help we have received from the Bitcoin Cash community to be able to donate food to needy people who live on the streets. We invite you to observe the sketches:

We know that we have the support of the entire Bitcoin Cash community and we trust that more organizations will join this humanitarian campaign every day in order to achieve our objectives. Our collection goal is set at $ 4,000 equivalent to (15.50 BCH, 0.35 BTC, 1513626.42 DOGE). The money collected will always be used to buy food and medicine to be donated to a large number of people who live on the streets and do not have food, as well as the Bitcoin cash adoption and expansion campaign that we have built thanks to the Contributions given by the Bitcoin cash community, this is a non-governmental activity, it is not linked to any political entity, it is simply a humanitarian work in which we have managed to serve and feed 390 people and thus contribute to the well-being of the most vulnerable people who They live and inhabit the streets without any help from the government, all our activity has always been transparent and documented, so we managed to obtain the support and collaboration of the Bitcoin Cash volunteers who have always been willing to collaborate.

Each of our activities is documented and registered through a report containing photographs, always with the sole intention of giving authenticity to our humanitarian work because we want to continue contributing to improve our society and this is only possible thanks to you.

If you want to make a contribution, our addresses can be found on our Web Blog or you can make them at these addresses:



You can see our Web Blog at this web link:



We invite you to visit our Blog where you can find the photographic record of our latest humanitarian activity.

Sponsors of Hermansanchezg

$ 32.92
$ 25.34 from @Koush
$ 7.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Sitro
Sponsors of Hermansanchezg


Good information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Fine article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article .I like it, keep it up and let's be friends

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A good initiative that deserves to be encouraged

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, thank you for being an inspiration to everyone. God Bless you more!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It was really a great work. Hope bitcoin cash will get that place it deserve among the all cryptoes. Best wishes. Carry on.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, congratulations for your honest work sir you can get more blessings. It's also a great way to promote BCH. Thank you for your initiative. Bless you, more hobbies your boys! And for all those who have supported this program. Bless you with lots more bitcoin cash to help more needy people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thumbs up to you guys! And for all those who supported this program. May you be blessed with lots of more bitcoin cash to help more needy people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So good activity. At least for our work some needy people are getting help. Thanks who organized that. Keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, congrats on your good deeds sir may you receive blessings more. This is also a good way of promoting BCH.. Thank you for your initiative in doing this. Bless you, more.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You might try making videos. For example, this channel is quite popular and does something similar:

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for being generous. God bless you Sir.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great information about this article my Dear I am not reviving amount why

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent article dear.💟💟

$ 0.00
3 years ago