Quality or quantity

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2 years ago
Topics: Quality, Quantity

I was still thinking of what to write about when I stumbled on @Fexonice1 article write-about-what-you-will like-to-read. This article isn't about what I like to read but I must tell you, the article inspired this write up.

This article I'd based on our the real life question. We all buy things everyday, From the smallest of things like biscuits and sweets to larger things/products. No matter what what we buy, it will possess one of either quality or quantity or both.

What do you prefer - quality over quantity or quantity over quality?


According to the dictionary, Quality is the standard of a thing as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree to which something fulfills its purpose or is satisfactory for a given use.

In my own way of defining quality, it means something of good taste, i.e something that will last longer.


The dictionary definition of Quantity is the amount or number of a material or any thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.

And when we talk about quantity, it is when something is much in size.

So now, to the main discussion, Quality or quantity which one is better.

I'm not going to judge their anyone's choice and say that it is bad / wrong. Everyone chooses for themselves, and no one can ever tell what is best for someone else.

I will only give you some reasons why each side is not very correct in my opinion.

There is no question that quality is always better than quantity.

I am a fan of High quality goods, be it clothes, food or anything else. I keep it in mind when I buy things that I must go for the one with good quality, no matter the price. I know that in the future I will not regret if I get something of good quality.

Most times, some goods with large quantities are not always quality. But we still have lot products that has both quality and good quantity.

But focus on quantity might be a better strategy than focusing on quality. Yes this is true in some cases whereby you will buy a product with high price hoping it would last long, whereas same product with a lesser price might last longer than the so called quality.

So I don't blame anyone that goes for quantity, because the so called quality would fade away faster. For example; I bought a sneaker for 11,000naira ≈ $20. And that same time I bought mine, my brother bought almost the same type of sneaker for 5,000naira ≈ $10.

Would you believe his sneaker lasted longer than mine. Infact my sneaker spoilt in the second week I bought it. This is to prove that price doesn't determine the quality of a product.

In conclusion, what I'm trying to say is that it is good to buy something of good quality, and at the same time we should always consider the one with high quantity as they might be of good quality too.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Quality, Quantity


I could apply that one in school. Our school is the biggest school in our town. Our boss is after of quantity. I am referring to the number of students enrolled in our school. But in giving grades to our learners is somewhat having wrong procedures. Mass promotions is happened. Meaning, most all are promoted to next level, but the quality students we have is not good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome in read cash. Read cash is awesome platform for all of us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When it comes to clothes I choose quantity but with a good quality also, we are always changing clothes so what is the purpose of quality if it is just one or two pieces only....😁 but when it comes to other things I will choose quality.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice point. I get what you are saying. 🤗 Nice contribution.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you, its just my honest opinion and being practical also...😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome back my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a good start, however, you should've written your introduction post first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks sir. You are a true leader. The next post will be my introduction. I hope it will still make sense that way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago