Are You Doing Too Much?

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2 years ago
Topics: Work, Money, Parents, Children

Do you feel you are too busy? If so, you are by no means alone.

“Everybody, everywhere seems to be busy,”

MANY said that it's hard to meet the demands of both work and homelife. Causes included increased responsibilities at work or at home, rising expenses, and longer working hours. For example, full-time employees work many hours a week. Some even work much more hours and often felt rushed even in their leisure time! Children too can be affected if overloaded with tightly scheduled activities. When we constantly try to do more than time may allow, we can become stressed​—victims of what has been termed “time pressure.” But is it possible to live a more balanced life? What role do our beliefs, choices, and goals play? Why some try to do too much..?


  • We usually believed that working seven days a week,will do something better that we wanted to give your kids. Some wanted them to have the things that they never had.” Despite the good motives, parents need to examine their priorities. Remember that both adults and children who attach a lot of importance to money and material possessions tend to be less happy, less satisfied with life, and less healthy physically than those who are not materialistic. Children who are raised with an emphasis on material things are actually less happy. In an effort to position their children for future success, some parents overschedule both their children and themselves with various activities


  • Some employees work grueling hours to avoid displeasing their employer. Coworkers can also exert pressure by making others feel guilty if they do not stay late. And then there is economic uncertainty, which can make people more willing to work longer hours or to be constantly on call.Similarly to the parents,they can feel pressured to conform to the hectic pace of other families. If they do not conform, they may feel guilty about “depriving” their children.


  • Many feel a strong connection between their self-image and their pace of life. The result? Busyness has acquired social status,the busier you are the more important you seem.

..........LEARN TO BE BALANCED..............


“Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind,” says Ecclesiastes 4:6.


Leading a balanced life is good for our mental and physical health.

It is normal to want a measure of financial security. But how much money is enough? What constitutes success? Is it measured merely by income or material assets?




Thank you for reading 💙


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Work, Money, Parents, Children
