Choose wisely, it is good to be happy than to be sad.
Happiness is like the oil in your engine, it keeps you going, it keeps you moving. It ignites the fire in you.
Happy thought keeps you flying, it makes you stand tall even with sore feet. Have you ever pushed a thing up the hill? How did you feel?
It's easier to follow it up while a lift helps you carry it up the hill.
That's what happiness does for you! It painstakingly take the heavy load off you.
No wonder the bible says, when everyone is saying there's a casting down- we should say, there's a lifting up.
Happiness releases the happy hormones in you,which helps every other aspects of your life including the people around you.
Serotonin,Dopamine, Endorphins and Oxytocin are good hormones your body needs to be stable emotionally, to bond well,love and relief pain naturally.
It required the same input, which is work to make you sad or happy. The input is your thoughts.
You can choose to be happy or sad from what you think.
When you have low levels of these hormones, you dive into depression and sadness. Plummeting into the deepest sea of bad thoughts.
Happy moments they say come and go but a happy heart lives forever.
Decide to make yourself happy even in a situation that begs to differ.
Have a self ignition to happiness and turn it on everytime you need a ride. It's always there in you!
Sing aloud,dance freely, laugh loud,turn around and smile. Make sure you do it from the innermost part of you.
Positive confession is a great way to convince your heart of your happiness, it heals deep inward. Believing the confessions goes deeper into your spirit, stabilising your soul.
Happiness is a great antidote for depression.
Silence the unhappy times with happy thoughts!
I also posted this on Uptrennd
Happiness depends on us. If we want to be happy then we do what makes us happy.