Random week 3 (Ramadan Cup)

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2 years ago

This is already looking and feeling like fun. Today is the third last day on my Random week series which I started writing on two days ago. Basically I'm just talking about what happened in my day.

The plan is to get to a seven day streak of uninterrupted posting, and with this post it'll mark the third day with four more to go. I've got other stuff to write about, and seeing how much I enjoyed writing while using the format of a series. I think I'll be doing more if this pattern of creating content in the future.

Ramadan came and went and like we started, we're all glad that we're also witnessing the end once again. Eid celebrations come immediately after the month of Ramadan and for over the past six days, I've been at my hometown so as to celebrate with family.

Woke up a bit late as I slept a lot later than my usual sleeping time but luckily I was able to wake in time for my morning prayers. As with most celebrations, it's a time to be happy and spend time enjoying the company of the people around you as well. This was evident in the gusting that went on in the morning, making all of us almost missing the Eid prayers which was at an open field some distance away.

Most of the day was spent visiting friends and generally just relaxing and eating. But the highlight of the day was the finals of the Ramadan Cup which is held every year during Ramadan. This was my first time fasting in my hometown so it was also my first time of witnessing the Ramadan cup although I'd heard of it in the past before. If you've read the first two posts on this series you probably already know who I'm supporting to win the finals.

What surprised me today was the amount of crowd that was in attendance to watch this match. The field used was an open one with no sits, so fans have to stand around the field to watch the match. I must say it was very hard to watch the match with the number of people that were present.

At first I struggled to watch the match just like every other person in the crowded area, but after an almost uneventful first half I began to loose Interest in the match and I ended up wandering around with my cousin meeting new people.

One of the highlights of the say was the time people started running after we heard a gunshot (I ran for my life without bothering to know what was happening 😂😂) but we later on found out it was security operatives trying to restore calm when some hoodlums were trying to destabilize the peace. Eventually they were rounded up and the match continued.

After so much struggle, my favorites to win the cup MARLIAN FC were able to score a goal with about ten minutes of play time left. It wasn't really surprising because they were the favorites to win the cup, and people were actually surprised at their initial play in the first half. The match ended 1-0 at the end of the day and we we all headed home.

I met one or two new people whom I hope to still get to know in the following days to come before I take my leave but this has been one of my most interesting Eid celebrations.

This marks the end of my Random week series post. If you've not been following before, you can view my last two posts to get an idea of why I'm writing this. But if you've been following up since the beginning, then this series has come to an end.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago
