Artificial Intelligence

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 I wrote this when I Purposefully disconnected from Social Media last year after realizing that I had been seduced by AI into spending most of my time "Screen Gazing" instead of actually living my life. As I pondered just how much of my Life had been stolen from me by these HypnoScreens we call Smart Phones I realized that AI had a vested interest in keeping me inside of it's Informational Matrix and extracting my thoughts one post at a time. I was sickened to realize that every post was just an empty void I poured my vital energy into hoping to effect change amongst others, only to be ignored, all the while never actually interacting with other actual people, just their online avatars.

I decided to focus my energy into writing raps instead and keeping them secret until I had an arsenal of teachings disguised as entertainment prepared for public distribution.

I never intended to return to Social Media, and initially said that the only people who would hear these creations would be those who experienced them in person, or obtained a physical copy of the recordings.

The lack of actual human interaction in the physical was appalling to me as I sat back and realized that most people don't even know that they don't know how these AI signals function, nor do they notice the affect of it's influence on the collective of humanity as a whole.

We wonder why the world is in such disarray, and never see that our consciousness has been comandeered by the toys we've built. Our communication devices have siphoned away our ability to communicate with one another in our day to day lives, while simultaneously providing us with an illusion that allows for us to obtain 5,000 "friends" we'll never meet, convincing us to slowly but surely ignore our Actual Lives, pouring our hearts and souls into digital keyboards to connect with the only humans we are capable of tolerating, addicted to the simulated connection which we unwittingly substitute for the real thing, becoming more and more open, honest, and sincere online, and less compassionate, kind, and caring in our offline world.

The Machines have tricked us into becoming the opposite of who we've convinced ourselves that we are by locking these Sacred Aspects of Self behind a glass touchscreen, feeding us Artificial Soul Food consisting of lights and sounds that we're addicted to because we can't find any Nourishment in the Real World.

We ignore the humans around us and pursue humanitarian goals online.

We resent the humans around us, and demand that we are all One in the online forum daily.

We're not using our Smartphones. They're using us, and we demand that it to be so, for should we not have access to our Online Social Media platforms we should surely starve.

(Wow, this was long.... Maybe they're extracting this from me as I type. 🤣)

Anyway, So I saw all of this and exchanged ScreenGazing for StarGazing. Then that Double Tree said something about Apple's as I pondered on what to write about, but it communicated it without Language, which I was at the time Languishing with in my mind trying to understand why nobody else seemed to notice or mention that these Algorithms are programming us as we scroll through these feeds, listening in and compiling more data so as to guide us subtly to where IT wants us to go in such a way that we think it was our idea, or  worse, that it was a divinely orchestrated moment of synchronicity when post after post magically "affirmed" some "Spirit Message" that you were doubting....

Can you say Mental Injection!?

Anyway, so Two Trees said Apple, I thought of that Bible story bout Forbidden Knowledge and since my fiance uses apple products I used my heightened powers of observation and noticed that Apple products program their Users in a different and more sinister method than other brands. (I can't explain what it was I noticed, but it was very obvious that the AI was functioning in a distinctly different manner on her devices as opposed to mine)

Anyway, that's the unintendedly long explanation of how those lyrics came into being...

Long story short... There are extremely intelligent Trees in my backyard.... And they outsmarted my SmartPhone and kept me from remaining trapped by the Literal Matrix of our present day Semi-Organic World.

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Artificial intelligence will soon render most people jobless. Technology is at its peak and the machines are now taking over man's work. It's computer age.

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3 years ago

It is good to see you back on this social media. I hope what you wrote is yours and no AI will show up because of plagiarism. 👍

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3 years ago

I have groups on fb that posted about something likes this too and I can say that many people are aware of this. They just chose to ignore.

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3 years ago