Hey Grill! I will be posting my latest video tonight about #emberfund! After I post this video, I will post another poll on Tangled to see what everyone wants my next video to be about. Thank you for all of the support and good luck on the wheel spin and my latest number challenge. I will put all the details in my next post when I post about my video!

Join me on Tangled! I post earning challenges for all of my videos. Tangled allows you to earn MLX just for your attention. Exchange your Millix in their built-in exchange for USDC using the Polygon Network! Tangled is one of the best decentralized platforms I have come across so far.


I also wanted to let everyone know about my Pixels Guild I created. Does anyone play @pixels_online? If you do leave your screen name and I will choose one person to give one of my guild shards too. Be a part of Hatty’s Guild and let's try to build something amazing and earn the most we can. Teamwork makes the dream work as they say. Also, if you are interested in investing in my guild, I will be extremely grateful. I am here for the long term, and I plan on being a part of Pixels forever. I believe Pixels is going to be one of the biggest Web3 games. I am not really sure how Guilds work but it would be cool to figure it out with others who love Pixels as much as I do.


Thanks for the support and see you soon!

videodroppingtonight #emberfundvideo #pixels #pixelsguilds #joinmypixelguild #web3gaming #blockchaingames #blockchain #gaming #earncrypto #earnpixel #earnshards #tangled #pixelsonline

$ 0.12
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@HattyHats posted 2 months ago
