“There's Always a Perfect Time For Everything”

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2 years ago

Time is the most priceless and precious thing we need everyday. It is one of those things that matters a lot when we are making decisions and choices. We can spend and use it anytime we want, but once it passes by we can't ever get it back.

It is free, but many of us seem like they can't afford to spend it. Feels like money is the most important to them, not the quality of time they can spend on us. That's how I feel when the person I love can't give me some time. They said, time is gold. But for me time is something that is all I need. To do the things I desired for and fulfill the goals I set on. Not about money or any other things, but the time. So do what you want to do in life before the time will pass away.

Image: Unsplash from Hunter Race

There is always the right person in the right place and right time, it's what we call God's will. This word always remains in my mind and heart, in which every time I get hurt, I will be lifted up because of this word. Sometimes we are so hasty and rush for the right time. We usually forget about waiting. Then only at the end can we realize everything and regret it. As we all know, time flies so fast. Just today we're happy then suddenly sorrows came. Sadness disgusting us but then happiness overflows. It is how time manages our daily life happenings. Not just in me but to all of us. Not just for yesterday and today but forever. Valued and cherished time before it's too late.

Image: Unsplash from Nick Page

No one can predict what will happen tomorrow. Nobody else should be able to tell you what to do in your life, it is you who can decide how you would use the time free given unto you. Make the time useful and spend it in your whole life. Still don't forget about perfect timing, for things should always be done in it's right time. If we talk about time management, lots of people are listing their daily routine so that they can manage the time. Others prefer to use their time as it is already planned and scheduled. They don't want to waste it because it is very important. Some of us are using the time in it's exact point. No extra time or seconds for those nonsense businesses, always focus on priorities.

Image: Unsplash from Nathan Dumlao

By the way, if I will relate the time in my own life, I could say that without time for the other day, I can't finish my undo tasks during the day. The 24 hours of time daily isn't enough for me to complete the things I need to do. The reason why is because I am that kind of lazy sometimes. I can't properly manage my time and most of it is wasted for my habitual doings in life. I am admitting it and continue adjusting for better changes. Well then I realized that time is precious as gold and is very needed to make a living. Most importantly, without time given by God we can't realize and regret our sins. By that, forgiving others who made mistakes to us also needs enough time to settle and to forget.


If you love your life, don't make your time useless. In small ways or in big ways create good memories in time. If you love someone right now, give your time without hesitation and doubt. If you have mistaken and hurt someone today, tell them sorry wholeheartedly.

Hence, tomorrow is another day to rejoice with love and peace, not by burdens in our heart. It is the power of time that matters most and doesn't deserve to be wasted. Anytime is a possible time that we're about to leave this world.

Yet, before it happens, the right time comes first. Do what is good. Share to others what you have. Give your time to family, friends and loved ones as they deserve. Don't let your time steal away by doing those unrightful things. Save it and trust the right time.

Until next time.. thank you for reading!

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Written by
2 years ago


Timing really is everything. From comedy to real life opportunities. Be wise and always be ready

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Time should be valuable and used judiciously. Time will never wait for anyone and so we ought to make use of it in the right way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly miss Princess :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We don't have all the time but spending it wisely is what we can do to avoid regrets as it tickles by..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we must do what we can for today and never wait for tomorrow so we will not end up with regrets.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, everything has it's own timing. No need to rush as long as we keep going and making small progress.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes po miss Eyb I agree po.

$ 0.00
2 years ago