My dad likes fish, black beta or fighting fish, flowerhorn, etc. I don't know why, of all the pets, he likes fish maybe because of his job. He likes how the fish fights even on their own reflection. It's cute though, when they wiggle and spread their tails then smash the aquarium glass.
I find them adorable, I mean my parents when dad shows my mom his fish pet. He even showed her videos of the fishes while mom smiled at him and as if she was really fond of them. Mom likes it but it's not that she's really into it, I don't know my mom doesn't have much interest in pets lol.
My Dad's Pet's are healthy when he was around
When my dad is still not going abroad for his job, he takes care of his pets well. Feed them on time, change the aquarium water when it's too dirty already. And keep watching them, it's cool because they are colorful.
Photo Credit Unsplash: Pietro Jeng
I asked my dad why he likes fish,
“It's my stress reliever, and I like seeing them with different colours” he said to me.
I never thought that a simple wiggle out of fish tails can relieve my dad's stress, amazing.
Sometimes he'll get his flashlight, turn it on and focus on the fish. The colours of the first look vibrant even more, then she's called my mom.
“Love, look! They are very colorful” sometimes he'll call me as well and my little brother. My mom and I will nod and smile but my lil bro was amazed, he is like my dad. He likes fish as well.
When dad was around home the fishes were healthy and hyper, maybe because he took care of them carefully. He loves his fish pet.
When dad was away the fishes were sick and some of them died.
When dad already left the fishes are not that hyper anymore, they eat and still move but not that much. All of them are getting lazy. Maybe because we are overfeeding them or we feed them not on time.
After showing signs that they are sick, they slowly die one by one.
Photo Credit Unsplash: Navin Rai
And my mom will tell my dad,
“Love, some of your pets died. Maybe they miss you! 😟”
“Nah, maybe you guys overfeed them or didn't feed them on time” my dad mumbled in video calls.
“No, we did take care of them like you do, but still they got sick” mom replied.
“Maybe you guys change the water seldom”
“Oh? Is that making them sick?`` Haha, we are too lazy to change the water.
“Yes, of course. The fish poop in the aquarium. They'll get poison when the dirt is too much. Just think you are staying in a room full of your poop, will you stay healthy?” shoot, maybe that's the reason why poor fishes died. Haha my mom laughed at dad's reply.
My dad even instructed mom to let the camera on the aquarium to see his beloved fishes.
But he was never mad when the pet died, mom told her “duh, I am not good at pets you know” haha my dad will never argue with her anymore.
His friends also have fish, maybe it was also influenced by his childhood friends. They all like fish. His cousin is also selling fish, he said that it can be sold as well with a very high price if the fish is big enough but also vary depending on the fish variety.
It's just that he cannot focus on taking care of it due to his job overseas, he will leave us and his fish so they'll die eventually because we cannot take care of them properly.
This is a prompt article and the prompt is about pets that was given @JonicaBradley
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I want to attach my own photos but the fish now are not looking good, they are sick.
Thank you for your time..
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Oh, I seldom hear people who have fish as their pets . But your dad sounds so passionate towards his pet .