Pedophilia As A Case Study

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4 years ago

The term as a noun, has been referred to "a child molester". However, the subject matter has a different meaning to various individuals. Especially, scholars who are concerned with the topic. Webster's New World Dictionary defines molest as " annoy, interfere with or meddle with,so as to trouble or harm". When combined with the word child, it has generally come to mean sexual abuse of some type.

This is an issue, that has been somewhat neglected in our society especially in some parts of Africa. The question is, what system should be put in place to monitor this regularly as regards to streetism. Although, not only street kids but about eighty percent of such cases points at the poor homeless girl on the street.

According to Dr. Groth's categorization, defines a child molester as having a sexual attraction towards prepubertal children (pedophilia) or sexual attraction towards pubertal children (hebephilia).

To be continued...

Let me leave you openended because most people are not good at reading lengthy articles. I want you to read more so wait for my next article on same topic .

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In europe some silly scholars are trying to normalise child molestation. Toning down the language. But this activity destroys young peoples lives. I have seen too many to let these Progressive thinkers (really degressive thinkers) destroy more.

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4 years ago

I understand your pain my friend. I feel same too. Those are scholars leading what I call the radical modernist Theory and that's one of it's demerits. With great thinkers/ writers like you I'm sure we can speak up, fight against the abuse because it is not just harmful to the girlchild but the Society at large. I am ernestly grateful my good friend. Thanks for your contribution.

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4 years ago

yep :) will do!

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4 years ago


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4 years ago