The Bad Risks of Smoking That We Continue to Ignore

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We must realize how dangerous the smoking could affect our well-being and the people around us.

The industry of tobacco continue to manipulate us. Aren't you curious on why the hell they use sensitive images on their packs of cigarettes saying it is dangerous to our health as if they are implying they wanna make their users quit using their commodities yet continue to produce and distribute their products in the society ? The reality is, even if we already knew at the back of our head that it will just give us risks and fatal effects to our health, we still continue to ignore it and go on ourselves like it is the common thing.

Smoking has been a global problem for the past years. People cannot seem to stop smoking even though it won't do any good for their health.

Short Comic "Quitting" from channelate

Smoking can be very addictive for it contains nicotine. You might think it's good, but it can be the reason for you to have heart disease.

Smoking may be somewhat soothing, but it is dangerous.

When one person smokes, he cannot do things ordinarily. For example, is exercising. Smokers tend to be more out of breath when doing so in contrast to nonsmokers. You will also likely get coughs and colds more than nonsmokers do. Although smoking can calm a person, different diseases will occur after too much of it. That includes lung cancer.

Smoking Weed Bad or Not? from animematch

There are cancers in other parts of your body that a smoker most likely will have, like the mouth, throat, bladder, etc. You probably don't realize it now, but you will soon, especially on how tobacco will change your lungs and its ability to bring oxygen into your body.

If you smoke, it can damage your heart and its blood circulation, which will lead you to have a condition of coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, etc.

Smoking can also reduce a man's or a woman's fertility.

Being an indirect smoker, or those who inhale smoke from another smoker can also be in danger. Smoking damages the lungs and heart of an indirect smoker in the same way the first smoker's heart and lungs are damaged. It can even be far more severe than the latter.

Breathing in secondhand smoke, also known as passive smoking, increases your risk of getting similar health conditions as smokers. Even when you do not have a history of smoking, but you live with someone who smokes, you will both be in trouble.

Conclusion: Break Free from Smoking Addiction

Some smokers may find smoking an addiction that is difficult to stop. Others may think that it's almost impossible to break off from it. Nevertheless, I think it's something that we call "mind over matter."

Devian Art: AsuKure No smoking Please

There are lots of benefits to breaking smoking habits. The most obvious example of those is bearing a much healthier heart and lungs.

We probably won't be observing other positive effects, but they will be noticeable. After a few years,  let's say about five to ten, the chances of cancer and death due to cancer reduces.

Remember, one has to keep in mind how favorable it is to switch to a healthier lifestyle. A healthy person is a wealthy one.

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Yeah i have noticed many people getting addicted to it. I myself was an addict to that just stopped when I found out that I was pregnant. My father died due ti smoking, he had tuberculosis once when he was still young but eventually healed. Then he never stopped smoking and it damaged his lungs causing him to die at 69 years old

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We have done a paractical on smoking. It's so much dangerous. Nicotine is present in it in large amount

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My Father is a smoker and somehow hate him slightly for being so insensitive. He smokes inside the house. :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It depends on where you live and how educated people are if they smoke. Where I live smokers are a minority and I can tell you that was different in my childhood. If you watch old movies, shows you see everyone smoke even blow it into others their face. In the latest movies, hardly anyone does.

With us, it's not allowed to smoke in public areas, 5 meters around schools, train stations, pubs, bus stops and so on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago