Trouble.2 (Lies)

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1 month ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

They say lying is the most common sin. And we were taught at an early age that doing so or committing it is bad. Lying is probably the most used excuse human beings do in everyday basis. No one in this world is safe from it. Some lies are needed to be committed to save a soul, to save a life, to save a human. But a lie once committed to hurt someone, is one that is unforgivable as it wrecks what you used to protect, what you used to love. No one deserves to be lied to for the sake of someone else's greed and gain. No one deseves to be lied to so they'll be destroyed by the truth at the end. But in general, no one deserves to be lied to, no matter the reason, no matter the motive. Lie is lie.

Everyday is a battle between doing the right thing but hurting someone or lying to protect them from hurting.

What will the world be if we are not capable of lying?

What will be of humans if we are not capable of committing it?

But as lie is a sin, what will be the weight of committing it if it is done out of pure intention to save someone from hurting? What will be the weight of a lie if it was committed to help a person whose life is in total chaos? What will be the weight of a lie whispered to encourage a dying human will? What will be the weight of a lie hushed to give hope to a battered soul? What will be the weight of a lie made to protect someone? A lie is a sin. But are we still a sinner if our full intention is for the goodness of others?

A sinner whose heart chooses to subject goodness, is never the same like the ones who chooses to instill darkness for their own benefit.

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