Garden of the Mind

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2 years ago

The bee's body contains both poison and honey. The bee in the same body does not confuse the two. While the same bee honey heals one, the poison hurts and even kills another. The bee does not take honey from the flower, the pollen it takes from the flower is pollen. It transforms this pollen into honey with the feature that exists in its own system in its own body. The system called human is the same when you look at it. The difference between the bee and the bee program has been completed. He unconsciously does this transformation work in his body with the program coded into him unconsciously. Man has willpower. He creates the transformation in his system only with the choices he will make according to his own level of consciousness.

 In the human system, positive and negative emotions such as anger, love, fear, trust, courage are all together. The human system determines which emotion it will use, depending on the level of development, level of consciousness and belief it has, which of these emotions will be dominant and will be active. The emotion he determines creates his thoughts, his thoughts, his behavior, his behavior, his character, and therefore his life style and quality.

So where does one get the information that determines consciousness? where it stores it and how it transforms it into consciousness so that it can make choices in its feelings with this consciousness. A person begins to receive this information in the mother's womb. After birth, parents continue to receive from the environment and then from teachers. This information is constantly recorded in your subconscious. The subconscious mind is the garden of the mind. Yes, man has a mind garden, and this garden is constantly recorded. These records are most intense between the ages of 0-6. Recordings of this period continue unconsciously until adolescence, and then continue as conscious recordings. Families are the first gardeners of this mind garden. The second gardeners are the teachers. Every thought seed that is planted in our mind garden through words or events without being aware of it before turns into belief. These beliefs determine our choices. I feel very sorry for the comments made by mothers whose children are in the first grade of basic education, especially in the first grade, on the platforms they create on social media. I feel sorry for these kids.

It is very sad that these mothers, being unaware of the harm they cause to their children and to themselves, can actually experience the beauty of their children's first steps in education, which they can spend with excitement and joy, but it is very painful to turn this into a nerve wrath...

 There are all kinds of emotions in the system called human. Which of these emotions he will use will depend on the knowledge he has acquired and the level of consciousness he has reached. The basic knowledge that will turn into that consciousness will be formed by the seeds of positive or negative thoughts that we plant in their minds. Just like Edison's mother did to her child...

“When Thomas Edison came home one day, he gave his mother a piece of paper and said, “My teacher gave it to me and only told me to give it to you.” "We don't have a teacher. Please train him yourself." When Edison's mother passed away many years later, he was one of the greatest scientists of the century and one day, while going through old family belongings, he suddenly found a folded paper in the corner of a drawer and opened it. He is a child. We don't let him come to our school anymore…” was written. After hours of crying, Edison wrote the following lines in his diary: Thomas Alva Edison was a “confused” child, turned into the genius of the century by a hero mother. If the mother had read that letter as it was, the child would have been There would be belief in failure, and he would not be able to set the limits of reading and learning, and he would not be able to deal with it at all, and he would not be the genius of the century.

 In the human system, positive and negative emotions such as anger, love, fear, trust, courage are all together. The human system determines which emotion it will use, depending on the level of development, level of consciousness and belief it has, which of these emotions will be dominant and will be active.

 A person begins to receive this information in the mother's womb. After birth, parents continue to receive from the environment and then from teachers. This information is constantly recorded in your subconscious. The subconscious mind is the garden of the mind.

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Written by
2 years ago
