Concentration Exercises

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2 years ago

The combination of external stimuli and signals formed in the brain constitutes the starting point of this communication. Developing technology, the digital and information age we live in makes it difficult for all of us to focus. Internet, incoming e-mails, messages, notifications cause us to encounter a stimulus at any time. This rapid change from the past to the future has some drawbacks. We find it difficult to close our minds to external stimuli while doing even our favorite jobs.

Today, everyone, whether a child or an adult, has concentration problems. This is why we often hear concepts such as concentration, focusing the mind, concentrating, controlling the mind, or awareness. With the increase in attention problems, different solutions are researched. First, you need to find the distractions. By learning these factors, you can increase your awareness and solve the problems that develop against concentration clutter.

What is Concentration Disorder?

In a constantly changing world, it is difficult for the mind to close itself against internal and external stimuli. Different factors not only cause you to focus, but also shorten the time you concentrate on work. Concentration disorder; It means that the mind does not react to stimuli and focus on the moment. This problem, which prevents you from fulfilling your daily work and responsibilities, causes you to disrupt your duties. Focusing on being in touch with reality provides several social advantages. It helps you complete the situation you are focused on in a short time and enjoy the moment.

You can protect your mental health by keeping your concentration skills under control. Thus, you can fulfill your duties by doing correct and efficient work. This problem, which significantly affects people's lives, causes their relationships to deteriorate and they encounter difficulties in business life. Problems such as lack of attention and distraction in business life can cause you to be negatively affected. Concentration disorder in children and adults occurs with different causes and symptoms. By identifying these, you can create solutions and eliminate the focus problem that pervades all areas of your life.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Concentration Disorder?

There are many reasons for focusing problems, such as inattention, distraction, or concentration. There are environmental factors, especially eating habits, sleep disorders, genetic factors. This situation, which can be caused by psychological or physical factors, affects your life deeply. Psychological causes of concentration disorder; depression, obsession, stress, tension and irritability. physical causes; Some previous diseases, unbalanced diet, side effects of some drugs, not consuming enough water, vitamin and mineral deficiency, hypertension and diabetes can be counted. Environmental causes of concentration disorder are air pollution, smoking habits, alcohol use intensity, negative situations experienced, and the disorder of the individual's social relations.


Concentration disorder; It can be seen at any age, regardless of child, young or old. Conditions such as anxiety, relationship, work or family problems, and lack of physical activity cause the lack of concentration to begin and progress if not treated. You can improve your living standards with concentration exercises. The symptoms of this focus problem are as follows:

Long breaks for concentrated work,

Thinking about different things all the time,

Not listening to others talking and interrupting the work done,

Getting bored quickly from the current situation,

Difficulty in reading comprehension


Feeling insecure and restless

Not paying attention to details and activities.

Suggestions for Solutions to the Problem of Focusing

The solution proposals applied to the concentration problem have a wide variety. First, you need to identify the problem and find its causes. You can more easily find answers to questions such as the symptoms of focusing problems and how to fix it. Afterwards, you can get the support of a psychologist if you wish. Instead of doing more than one task at the same time, you can prepare a task list for yourself. One of the ways to increase your concentration is to develop personal focus techniques. A varied and healthy diet, regular sleep, sports and brain exercises help you improve your life. You can deal with this problem with concentration exercises.

It is ensured that the situation is easily overcome by getting support from family members. A person with a concentration disorder can come together and exchange ideas with those who share the same problem. Self-confidence is renewed by learning how people cope with their problems. Thus, you can feel better with the fact that you are not alone and improve yourself to solve this problem. Concentration disorder, which is affected by many factors, is overcome thanks to multi-step solution methods.

Various Exercises to Increase Concentration

Concentration power is increased with various exercises. In addition to physical activities, puzzles and mind and intelligence games are among the very useful concentration exercises. There are also scientific studies designed to increase concentration. You can have a pleasant time by choosing the ones that suit your interests. Some technological games recommended by psychiatrists, psychologists and child development experts help solve the problem.

It becomes difficult to maintain the concentration, which deteriorates due to stimuli such as social media notifications, SMS, e-mail and horn, even in quiet environments. There are some exercises that are performed in a simple way. concentration exercises;

While sitting, take the pencil and stretch it forward. You can make it easier to focus by trying to look at the tip of the pen for 30 seconds without blinking.

If you get distracted while working or listening to the person speaking to you, you can raise your attention level by clenching your right fist.

When your thoughts are focused elsewhere, say "Stay in the Moment" a few times. You can get your attention.

The first 20 seconds at the start of the workout is your highest concentration level. Taking a 5-minute break after 25 minutes allows you to develop impetus.

You can work in a planned and orderly environment.

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Written by
2 years ago
