What I'm loving presently.

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Written by
2 years ago


I have been MIA for about 2 weeks and this is because I have been busy with my other life. It's good to be back again and I hope to get into the spirit of writing daily even while being busy. Exams are around the corner, so let's say things just got scarier but it's all good.

Over the past 2 weeks, certain things have been a bit of a constant in my life and I dare to say they've been very helpful in making my day go smoothly or made my day bearable (when I get exhausted), just things I have been loving of late.


This app should be everybody's favorite because it's addictive as well as productive. I am interested in interior as well as fashion and Tiktok give me this content in abundance like you could stay on the app for hours and not get tired and I love it. I have found pages that I stuck on and given me tips on how to take care of my home(parents house), how to style, what to cook, it's a lot and it gives me joy.

Arizona Drink.

       I found out about this drink about 2-3 weeks and I love it. The flavor is amazing. It tastes great, has more than one serving which gives you more value for the price, different flavors but I love the purple one and ginger ale.  You should try it and tell me what you think.


      This is more of a pastime activity but I got 2 new novels to help me get creative and I fell in love with them. I got a book by an author I've not read before and she did every bit of a good job, Nora Roberts is everyone’s favorite and we can't disagree.


I am a romantic when I'm not busy or in a relaxing mood, so I was able to catch up with a bit of romance and chick-lit movies. I watched Emily in Paris, Vincenzo, The intern, Jungle cruise, to be honest, I can't remember all their names.


Food is a mood changer and it's something I do when I feel tired or just feeling lazy or sad even. It just helps change my mood. I love trying new food but the one I tried this week was mehhh, I wasn't loving it as much as I thought but it's all good. I still won't stop eating.


While this is something you're meant to do daily, I did take extra time to care for my skin the past few weeks, and let's say I saw results. My skin is looking good, hydrated even though PMS is about to spoil my glory but we good.

So these are the things I have been loving in the past week(s), let me hear about yours, if you tried anything new or different.

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Written by
2 years ago


That Arizona drink. Is it expensive? How much does it cost? I am not a Tiktok person and I don't do such unless I use Snapchat to take pictures 🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry for late replies… had a bit of personal emergency.

It ranges from 300-900… Comes in different sizes…

Tiktok is fun… Just for relaxation but each person to their own relaxation means

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's Novels for me. Especially the hard copy. I can bury myself in it for hours without eating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It’s hard pulling out from them because you get so wrapped up in them…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Food is all I see as what i love to do oooo😂😂😂 because school work is really choking this days and food is the way out then later I try to sleep.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same shoes… This one will soon pass

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I prefer watching animes or reading manga hahahah. And I'm hoping that I will read it in this article but anyways, everyone has their own things they loved to do. A new subscriber here hope you will write awesome articles like this in the future😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you. This is nice.

I’ve watched a few animes but not a convert, maybe I will be

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's great! I recommend you to watch Jujutsu Kaisen hehe💓

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love read and connect with people despite loving to eat good dishes. For real, I love every good thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Who doesn’t?

I’m with you on this one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your choices are really cool. Mine would be movies, foods, books, music, writing. That's about it

$ 0.00
2 years ago


Music would be nice when I'm calm😂😂

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2 years ago