Lesson Learned the Hard way

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1 year ago
November 9, 2022

I am having doubts if I used the title before from my past article. I am lazy to check it so I end up using it again. Anyway, just in case I really used this title already, this one is a different story.

This one is an update of about the dog that we rescued but we only make things worse for him. Actually, as of now, as of writing, the pain is still there. I still haven't move on. I try my best to be busy with lots of stuffs just to move forward but when I am walking in the streets that I usually see that dog, it gives me this heaviness that I carry all throughout the day. I seriously pray every night that the dog is already at peace and forgiven my sister or me, since I also feel the guilt. It was traumatizing. It is an another addition to my trauma list.

Why did I say Lesson Learned the hardway?

We really learn the lesson the hard way. An innocent dog died because we just decided for him. We thought we can help him but we only ruined his peaceful life. We don't know that it will turn that way, we didn't know what will happen next. We only know that we are hopeful that we rescued him and he will be cured, but the dog decided to go on his way, and passed away. As I said, only the dog knows his story.

I learned the hard way because it has been very difficult for me. That dog is not my dog but I am very affected of his passing. I am affected and guilty. Moreover, this events became an eye opener.

For pet lovers out there, I just hope you take note of my realization and observation, because one day for sure you will be decided to rescue an animal,but first you need to know the big responsibility before doing it.

If you decided to rescue an animal, study it first

Once you decided to rescue an animal, you need to know the situation first. Rescuing an animals not only need an animal rescue, but a vet with you to check their health instantly. Make sure that the rescuer knows what to do, because some of them just rescue animals and put it in the cage. They should provide water and food because sometimes it changes the emotion of an animals if they see foods prepared for them. Rescuing animals is very stressful not only for the animals but for you and everyone. Mostly, the animals don't want to get rescued, but again it depends on the situation ( if they are just stray animals or ill).

If you love to help an animal, especially those that are ill, please help them and do not give them to animal shelter

I am not here to judge the animal shelter facilities, but here in the Philippines, my mind became open about the situation of some shelters here. Some of the don't have a budget. They need money to support the animals with them. There are animals there and not all are provided with food and care equally, and the only reason is because of not enough funds. For that situation, if you will just give an ill dog in the shelter (just for an example), you cannot have the assurance that they can prioritize the dog because there are lots of dogs in the shelter too.

If you want to help, rescue the dog. Had it check up in the vet and the money will be from your own pocket. Also, ill dogs, whom are not familiar with you, had lots of stresses already. Instead of they will feel at ease that there is someone willing to help them, they will realize someone wants them to die. They are always not comfortable if they will be transfer to different places. They stay in a place when they are comfortable. However, if you will sincerely take care of everything, the dog will surely feel that. You will become a team. You will be the one that will help the dog to get a cure and the dog will cooperate for them to get healed.

Dogs has Separation Anxiety and it could kill them

Based from experience, I observed this after what happened to the dog that we rescued. I noticed that when he is at our streets, despite being ill, he is cheerful. he always greets me when he sees me in the road. It seems that he is not really in pain. However, during the time of rescue until the time that he is on someone's hand and died in the shelter, I realized that separation anxiety only makes things worst for him. Since he is not in his comfort place, he became sad. Instead of fighting for his life so that he will come back again in our streets, he became weak and even more ill. Now I am thinking, if I were there during the time of rescue, for sure I will stop it from happening because I will read the eyes of that dog and I could really tell how scary it is for him. No rescue will happen if I was there. This is my biggest regrets.

Dogs have feelings, sometimes let them decide for themselves

I don't know why I added this one. Maybe because I can understand my dogs at home. I can tell when they are in pain, or they have stomach ace. I can read their eyes. I am not sure if this is a gift, but I can really tell and I have a strong feeling that I am right. Dogs have feelings. If I was there during the rescue, for sure the scream of the dog will let me stop the rescue. This last one maybe funny, but I had proven this from a story in the past. Again, humans should consider that animals have feelings too and they know what is best for them. We are just here to help them and if we want to help them, let us be responsible for everything.

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1 year ago


Even though I don't have a dog, I really like dogs. Dogs are indeed the most loyal and cheerful animals, but I myself am also very concerned about dogs on the streets without owners, sometimes they are hungry and some are even sick.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Me too. I love dogs and cats. I think I am a pet lover ever since I was young. I am highly concerned on stray animals but I cannot adopt them all.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You don't need to be sad dear, what you and your sister did was only for his good. You both have a kind heart.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for mentioning that sis. I just hope we can recover fast.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dogs are parang humans lang sis. Kailangan din nila ng maayos na aruga sa mga tao. Kailangan sila tratuhin ng maayos.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Tama sis, may feelings din sila at sana maintindihan din natin sila.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't have dogs, but I feel pity when saw some dogs are having difficulty to live normal. I don't look at them. Because as if I can feel the pain they are carrying with them. Yes they are like humans they are hurt too without our knowledge they also cry with tears. That's true what you've said shelters are full already and there's no enough amount to maintain there living there and lack of person to take charge them individually Because no one will fund it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, it will be hard on the dogs to be there, all of the dogs will only suffer, unless some rich person will able to fund it and it will be stable.

$ 0.00
1 year ago