A poet falls in love with the full moon, the full moon falls into the arms of the night
And the evening served in a cup of warm refreshing tea.
The poet was swept away in every puff and sipped the tea drop by drop.
Perhaps that is the way to harvest energy to create work after work. Falling in love and then drinking his own love, made him able to write pages of poetry full of taste and allure.
Unfortunately, she didn't let other people fall for her. No, even when all of her hair turned white, her hands trembled and her vision faded.
Until finally one night, she decided to fall in love with a man. She traveled by rivers and continents, cities and villages, to find that love. But there is no longer an open door to the heart.
The poet also created a man from a string of poetry rich in rhymes and metaphors. The man was so handsome and full of charm, truly worthy of being loved.
Unfortunately, the man could not love back, because he is the last work of the poet.
I really loved reading the poem. Somehow tragic but loved it