Happiness comes from within, and the happiest people are the ones who expect the least.
Kahlil Gibran once wrote, “limited love desires ownership of the loved one. However, infinite love only wants itself. " At another time he continued, "love does not have to have because loving means giving never asking."
According to him, someone who truly loves sincerely should not feel hurt, let alone be disappointed if the loved one doesn't care or doesn't even love him back. Because love for Kahlil is giving. That's love, can turn nonsense into real. Do not give up even though you can not do anything.
This seems to turn around when it comes to stories that mostly happen.
William Shakespeare said “hope is the root of all heartache. Happiness comes from within, and the happiest people are the ones who expect the least. "
So the question is, what makes it hurt is love or hope?
Your question is very difficult about love or hope. Without love no one cannot live. Again without hope no one can not achieve anything. Thank you for your article.