Sometimes we were asked to summerize a writing or to write in our own words. We want to express in our own point of view as well as summerizing.
But when we try to do so we become confused about where to start and where to finish and what topics should we highlight.
In one of my previous articles I've mentioned that I'm a part time English teacher and I've two students at a college level.
In my students syllabus they have a question name write a summary of the given passage and they need to write the summary.
First I studied how to write a perfect summery and tried to teach them. Though they are still learning hope one day they will be perfect enough to get full marks on summary writing.
Than I realized these techniques we can also implement on our real life too. Not only in the exam hall we continuously need to express our thoughts , express a summary.
This is one of the most common practice in our day to day life. As we don't know the techniques sometimes we can't express ourselves in a most perfect way.
For example after reading a story book when we are told to express the insights of the book we fall into great dilemma. We become confused about what to say and what don't need to say.
Here I'll share some of the techniques of how to write a good summary that I personally follow and teach my students.
If you maintain these simple techniques I can assure you at least you'll not fall into dilemma from now on.
You'll be much more confident when expressing your thoughts and also summerize something.
I think you've already understand what is the topic of my today's article so no more talks let's dive into the discussion now.
Imagine you've a x-ray vision and can see everything what is hidden inside
What a general x-ray machine does? It scans through our body and can see the bone structures inside of our body.
Imagine you've that scanning power too and after reading a passage or story you can scan what this story is built on.
For example focus on
1)What is the main theme of the passage and try to relate it with the real life.
Say if the passage is about bad effects of smoking than focus on what does the passage speaks.
2)What is the starting point of the main theme and when it ends.
We all know that a passage have different parts e.g. introduction, elements, main body, conclusion etc. If your passage have these parts too than focus on the main body.
3) You've focused on the main body already now look closely what this passage is trying to say? Say the passage is about how to lessen your electric bill.
Than if the passage is giving solutions than oviously you'll summarise the solutions only.
4)If your passage is explanatory or descriptive than start writing your summary in a descriptive way.
5)Use wide range of vocabulary and try not to use the same words that used in the main passage
I always tell my students if grammar is the heart of your writing than vocabulary is like artery and veins. As long as your your heart is pumping blood than diverse use of vocabulary will take to every corner of your body. Here body means your writing.
As I've said try to use similar ones instead of copying word's from the main passage. This will make your writing more interesting to read and listen.
Here you're told to write a summary in your own words not an essay
My students also make this mistake often. They forget they were asked to summerize. Summery means making something short but it should have everything as the main passage have.
So you need to write a shorter version having every characteristics of the main passage.
If you need to share your thoughts or need to write with your own words than listen:
6) If want to write from your own perspective than emphasize on practical life experiences.
By doing so, you'll never run out of topics. As we experience a lot of things everyday so we will have a huge collection of experience.
7) What would you do if you are there in the passage say you already know the consequences of smoking than you can write what would you do to stop smoking.
Say you've a smoker friend than you can express how did you stop your friends smoking.
Before you start writing than get together your ideas first. Think first what topics you'll emphasize and what topics you'll skip. Only this way you'll never miss any important topic.
My students start writing without any thinking or proper planning. Than write few sentences than just like everyone fall into dilemma what things they will include.
To avoid these kind of circumstances make a proper plan as well as following the above mentioned techniques.
Here I'm sharing a little secret of myself and from this you'll be benefitted from it too just like me.Every single time I write something I make a plan in my head as well as in my notepad.
I love your articles Madam, binge reading them. I wish I have a friend like you that teaches life and lesson. Thank you for every great article.