New Case Alert: 188 new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Nepal. Now, total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Nepal reached to 276,244.
Meanwhile, 77 COVID-19 patients have been recovered in last 24-hours in Nepal. After this total number of recovered cases has reached to 272,097 (which is 98.5% of total confirmed cases) in Nepal.
4,032 RT PCR done in last 24 hours in Nepal.
Source: Press Release, MoHP-Nepal.
New Case Alert: 188 new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Nepal. Now, total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Nepal reached to 276,244. Meanwhile, 77 COVID-19 patients have been recovered in last 24-hours in Nepal. After this total number of recovered cases has reached to 272,097 (which is 98.5% of total confirmed cases) in Nepal. 4,032 RT PCR done in last 24 hours in Nepal. Source: Press Release, MoHP-Nepal.