2nd year of my college life.
Hi there my read.cash fellows.This article is continuation of "My college life".
Ao after the when i got in 2nd year the first thing that had happened is i had to shift in 2nd year hostel and my roommates got changed. Well i know them both already so it didn't take much time to adjust with them. Later on i developed a unique bond with both of them. Well our branch's of engineer were different, one is from computer science while the other is from civil engineering.
The best part of living with people from different educational background, beliefs, culture etc is you unknowing inherites/ows things from them and they owe from you. Just by surrounding yourself with different people you come to learn lot of things from them and they also get to know things you have known.
2nd thing that happened is that, initially in 1st year there were mixed students in my 1st year of enginnering. In first year our batches are made from IT, Electronics and communication engineering and mechanical, while other group of batches are made from Computer science, Electrical, EN, and civil brqch student. As the university curricullum 1st year of enginnering subjects were common for all. From 2nd year we are divided into our core branches.
So, in IT branch there were 2 batch's and i was in B batch. All my friends were in A 🥺. But in a very mean time everyone get familiar except me.For me its hard becoz i prefer silence and am introvert. I got my bond during the end of 3rd sem. and he is the best friend cum bro to me. I believe Things thst take time to develop lasts forever. I remember in 1st year my friend who have lot of friends in a very short time got alone as all of her friends cheated on her and with the start of wmd year she have only few friends even less than me. I have made less friends bit they are still with me even today.
I got my first Laptop just before start of 2nd year college and ever since i leanrt a lot in just 6 months about computers, Database, storage, programming, Computer networks, Hacing etc. I also joined a series of lecture organized by a senior that helps me a lot to vast my knowledge. The director of the netcamp Mr. Santu Purkait who has given the lecture during the course is a well known for his excellence in tesching. He has done his enginnering from IIT kharagpur, he also got job offer from google but dumped the offer and started his own firm to teach students of enginnering. He has expertise in Linux OS, Compter network and web development. I got to learn to about networking from him and ever since i wanted to become a network engineer. I am always fond of his teaching skills.
Well am not just only buttering things about him, you can google him "Santu purkait", Your 1st search result is him.
In 2nd year i have also participated in My first Hackathon which is "Rajasthan Hackathon 4.0". It was my first 36 hours continuous coding marathon held in jaipur.
Untill the ending of the 2nd year i started geting famous in college because of the 2 most importent things.
First one is because i am always active to take part in various tech activies of college,and hackathons specially after Rajasthan hackathon my Dept. HOD herself came to know about my experience at the event and asked me to keep up my work and also to take initiative to organize a similar hackathons in college.
Secondly, i have developed a string teaching skills untill the start of wnd year and most of students of hostel reach out to me first during assessments and university exam for any kind of doubts.
Till end of the 2nd year i was known by almost every one in 2nd year IT branch and in all year of hostel students. I also goy respect
For me 2nd year is the year i was laying foundation for my career, skill building, learning and acquiring knowledge.It was the year for facing challenges as well am not saying that i got successful and famous overnight.It took me a lot of time to make space for myself. i did have worked my assoff to achieve what i aimed for.
Thats all guys, will be here soon with my next article which would be the continution of the same series of "My college life."
I think you are having days you will miss. Live as much as you can.