Whose pace are you adjusting to

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3 years ago

Have you ever taken a walk with someone? Maybe you haven't, but have you ever seen two persons taking a walk or strolling down the street? What do you observe? It's either they are walking at the same pace or one person is always trying to catch up with the other.

Do you know that it's the same way in life? Do you know that most of the tines we think we are actually walking with people, all we do is trying to catch up with them?

I shared a post yesterday on the need to do things differently if we must experience a better and result filled second half of the year. I believe that one of the areas I think we should also look into is our circle.

As much as our internal circle is important, the people we surround ourselves with are also a major factor in our journey of success.

As a Writer and Trainer, I consciously surround myself with people who are either going to where I am going or those who will help me get there faster, smarter, and safer.

You may see it as being selfish, but every successful man knows the importance of keeping the right company.

I don't know the people that you have surrounded yourself with, but it's important that you understand that no relationship leaves us the way they met us.

Every relationship will either add to you, take away from you, multiply you, or break you into pieces.

To think that you are not or will not be influenced by the people you spend time with will be naive.

As a writer, I spend time with other writers, especially those who have been to where I want to be. Either online or offline, I am conscious of the impact my relationships are having on me.

I am always concerned about what I am giving, but much more importantly is who I'm becoming.

If you don't want to end the second half just like the first one, you must be conscious of who you are spending your time with.

It's okay to say God forbid, it doesn't change the fact that you have your own role to play.

It's time to reevaluate yourself. It's time to look inwards if you must make the requisite changes.

It's time to ask yourself, whose pace am I adjusting to? Let me know the changes you have decided to make.

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Avatar for Godwin
Written by
3 years ago
