Making Money With Facebook

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Avatar for God_son
3 years ago

A lot of us probably knows facebook.

infact i know a good number of you guys [if not all]already have an account.a lot of us may have been with facebook for quite some time now.3 years, 4 years, some of us might have even been with facebook for over ten years.

But i'm sure a good number of you guys don't know how to make money with facebook.

well,i wouldn't blame you guys because primarily,facebook was created to allow people of common interest to hang out and share things not,for buying and selling.

but, you don't really expect me to sit and watch a vast potential audience waste away like that.

it shouldn't sound new to any of us that facebook possesses a very big audience.

yeah with about 1.37 billion active users per day, and 2 billion active users monthly.

it makes a lot of sense if i want to make money with it .


Look at it from this perspective;\

let's say you have a product that sells for 1$,you could advertise the product to over 10,000 people on facebook.

normally, not all 10,000 people will buy your product but you should get at least 3,000 people that wilL buy your product.

Do the math and calculate how much you have:that's $3,000.

a whole 3 grand and you might not get to leave your room/house [depends on the kinda product you sell though].

but as easy and smooth it might sound,it's not as clear-cut as that.

especially not now that facebook only shows a selection of post on your feed.

let me let you on a fact:not up to 5% of your followers get to see the posts and status you lovingly craft.

well, i wouldn't blame the developers for making the algorithm that way.

Imagine logging on to your facebook account to check the post one of your buddies posted but instead you see millions of posts from people you'd never dream of knowing.

Trust me, it would be super annoying and at the end ,people will dump facebook.

facebook doesn't want that to happen:that's why they made the algorithm that way.

But just because the number of views on our posts are limited, doesn't mean we will not make our money.we will find a way around it.

like i said earlier, facebook is primarily a social network:a online community where people of common interest hang out and share funny cat videos.

and for this reason , it gives a higher weighting to a post from someone's personal account than it does to a page.

for you to be able to make your money out of facebook, you'll need to learn to work the ropes of facebook algorithm.

first,you'll need to know the four steps the facebook algorithm goes through to decide on what post to show on your feed when you open up facebook.

These steps are very crucial because without you understanding these steps, it'll be very probable that your post don't get the audience you wish for.

The steps which facebook algorithm goes through are:

i. inventory- here,the algorithm examines all the recent stories shared by your[user] friends or the pages you follow.

ii. Signals- here, it takes a look at a whole range of signals based on your[user] past behaviour.[The average time spent on the post you create and so on]

iii. Prediction- here the signal attempts to guess how you[user] wil react to a particular story.

it'll guess if you'll share, comment, read or ignore it.

iv. Score- here, the algorithm generates a relevance score for each post, based on the signals and it's predictions.

when facebook assembles a person's feed,it only shows the post with the highest relevance score.

knowing your way around these four steps will help you in your journey to make money on facebook.

watch out for my next article,i'll be explaining how to successfully maneuver your way around facebook algorithm.

i'll see you in the next article.



$ 0.00
Avatar for God_son
3 years ago


Yes of course Facebook is the next big oil depot where every internet marketer have been scoping money from

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Make use of every opportunity, and use it wisely

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well Facebook is a good place to expand your traffic and earn some money

$ 0.00
3 years ago