"Make peace with your Past so it won't ruin your Present"

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Written by
3 years ago

Have you ever had someone from your past that you betrayed?

Have you ever had someone from your past that you ruined?

Have you ever had someone from your past that you hurt?

Now, let me rephrase my questions.

Have you been betrayed?

Did anyone ruin you?

Have you been hurt? Or is still hurting?

Life is a mystery but for some its a misery. There are people who give love and gives their all while there are people who has the ability to control what they can give.

Love for me is like an investment. The deeper you fell in love with someone or the more you give value to someone the more you get hurt.

Familiar with the song," Too much love will kill you?".

There are people who don't set boundaries, standards or is much of a giver and when they get hurt it becomes so painful, very painful to the extent that even when they've moved on, that part of their past would still leave a mark, a scar, that when touched it will bleed again.

If you hurt someone and still does not feel karma came your way then be very thankful but be very careful.

Que sera, sera but what goes around comes back around. It's like a boomerang. This is what my mom keeps on telling since I was a child up to now. She keeps on reminding us not to hurt anyone and to be very careful with our words because if the karma won't be after you it is going to be after someone you value the most. It can be your significant other, it can be your siblings or it can also be your future baby.

The worst with karma is you would really see how someone that you love suffer and would make you realize that this is what you've done before.

You might ask me, how can I say these things? Have I ever experienced "Karma"?

No. Never. But I have seen people suffering because of it then regretting at the end.

Be it a friend, a past lover or a family/relative you have no right to hurt them. If you don't love someone then be straight forward. If you fell out of love then be frank. If you don't want to have someone be in your circle of friends then tell him/her in a way that you are not shaming the person, not letting other people see how you dumped a friend, a love or someone who valued you.

"Make peace with your past so it won't ruin your future".

Apologize, forgiven or not, still apologize then pray. Asking someones forgiveness won't come easy. You never can tell how much you inflicted the person 'til you get to face them and hear them out. You would never know how much he/she suffered for shaming him/her. The impact of what you did would always and always remain to that person so always be very mindful. Be responsible with your actions.

You are lucky if someone you hurt before isn't revengeful because pain, depression can make a monster.

And if you are the one who got hurt or still hurting, darling, pray. Prayers often remove that hatred you feel. Pray for God to manage your life and guide your decisions.

Forgive yourself for letting that person hurt you.

Forgive yourself for giving your all. Forgive yourself for the ruined happily ever after.

Forgive the person even when he or she never asked for it.

With this, you could continue to live your life. Cry your heart out. Cry if you want to. Never be ashamed of getting hurt, that is the nature of being a human after all!

If it doesn't hurt then it is never true.

I believe there's a blessing in disguise. You got betrayed or hurt by someone because someone better is meant for you.

And remember, just like how fairytales end,"They live happily ever after". So if it is not happy, then it is not the end.

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Written by
3 years ago


Regret comes with realizations and it's a good thing that you realize something from the past. However, living with regrets is an unhealthy habit that could ruin your life's direction.

I agree with you. Make peace with your past so you'll have a lighter and better future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes other than regrets its heavy to live with conscience it would be like a nightmare that would visit you once in a while.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Omg, that hit me! I was so awkward that I didn't summon the strength to apologise. We just drift apart, from close friends to stranger. But I do believe in karma and that everything I do has consequences, may it be positive or negative.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We have the power to actually remove someone from our life but better if we drift apart with good thoughts in our heart. There are just things that really wouldnt work or some people who doesnt fit in. But it is never a reason to hurt them. Yet, we are all human. We commit mistakes and get hurt we would just have to be responsible with our actions. If you still got no courage to apologize or maybe no way to communicate or still not comfy talking to the person pray for that person to continue healing and pray for forgiveness. I still hope that you could still say sorry. Believe me its gonna be feel good.:)

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Woah that's some deep advice poooooo. Hopefully, I must muster the strength to say it <33

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yep in time ☺

$ 0.00
3 years ago