How to stake on the Eos Blockchain network

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Cryptocurrency

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Before you read my post, I will explain that maybe there is a language that you don't understand. I'm sorry, because I don't master the language, and I'm trying hard so you can understand what I'm explaining, Thank you

How to stake the Eos Blockchain network ?

In my discussion this time I will briefly explain to new users specifically about how to staking on the Eos Blockchain network .

Maybe in my discussion of this tutorial it is very short, but you need to know that for beginners it will be very useful in this way, so I will explain briefly and so that it is easy for you to understand .

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Before you do staking, make sure you have Eos in your wallet, you can try whatever you want, it can be 10 Eos or even 0.1 it's up to and depending on each of you, I only explain how to do it .

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Please enter via the link here you can login via Token Pocket and also Anchor, here I use Token Pocket to stake this Eos .

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Select the stake display menu at the far left, there are also several other menu displays, you can choose according to what you need at this time, I am going to do staking, so I choose what I need, namely stake .

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Please enter the amount of Eos you will stake, just enter the amount you like and it's your own decision , After that select confirmation for staking, later you have to enter the password you registered when you downloaded or created an Eos wallet in Token Pocket .

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If it is successful, there will be a display like the picture above, good luck and good luck, here I am using a Token Pocket wallet. Thank You

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Cryptocurrency



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