Do you know lots of people are helpless to depression because they are in a phase in life in which they have to become independent and make tough decisions on their own without anyone interfering i.e like which college to attend, switching career, looking for new job, relationship issues, relocating to new cities and so on. Also, there are times you have to face the hurdles of life, experience setbacks, feeling lonely and rejected; we face a lot of uncertainty about who we are, where we are going and where we want to be in life. Believe it or not isn’t easy.
The symptom of depression ranges from mere to severe symptoms; it is always advisable to talk to a therapist. Let’s look at the common symptoms we have;
▪Change in behavioural attitude: when you lost interest in what makes you happy. When you contemplate suicide a lot and feel weak often, you drink more than usual and you are been exposed to using drugs this is one of the symptoms that need attention.
▪Lack of focus: when you lack focus and ability to put yourself together, when you are always lost in thought and you find it difficult to contribute and to process information during conversation with people this also can be a symptom.
▪Feelings: when your whole life feels dull, always sad, lifeless, desperate, lack of enthusiasm, unconcerned.
▪Mood swing: when your mood swing easily, you pissed off easily and get irritated regularly, getting restless regularly.
▪Change in sleeping habit: when you experience changes in your sleeping habit i.e. finding it difficult to sleep or you sleep a lot more than usual and also waking up at odd hour and you find it difficult to sleep back.
All these symptoms do not come in a day, they show gradually and if you are experiencing any of this you might need to seek help.
There are various factors that causes depression, a certain range of psychological and biological factor can cause depression. Let’s talk about few causes of depression:
▪Defeat, delay, loss and repudiate: there are so many uncertainty in life that makes one feel powerless, when you are aiming high in life and suddenly the dream didn’t come to reality you feel defeated and beaten. Life is full of breakdowns which could be losing a job or a family member or friend, unable to attend college, failing in school etc all these can trigger depression in people.
▪Certain lifestyle factor: a certain way of life i.e. drinking with friends can cause depression. Drinking may result as a result of peer pressure and this could be linked to distress, uneasiness and trouble.
Let’s look at the most effective solutions of depression;
▪Get it off your chest: the first step to overcome depression is to speak it out, go see a therapist and talk it through, study shows that when speak up on any issue bothering you, peace of mind set in. Your healing process start immediately you decide to get issues off your chest.
▪Talk to people around you: i.e. your parents, siblings or friends. Talking to people most time can help you ease tension and improve your healing process out of depression. Send a text message or pick up your phone and talk to someone close to you about your feelings.
▪Exercise regularly: studies show that when you exercise regularly every day, your depressed state can be healed. Regular exercise guard you from depression.
▪Focus more on doing things: you might probably find it hard to keep doing things because you won’t have the suppose energy to keep doing it, but in order to fight depression you have to fully set your mind on different things. Channel your mind to new things i.e. meet a friend for a meal, take a walk, write a book. The purpose of doing this is not to give room for depression.
Depression can wreck a man completely. It eats into you gradually until it's too late