We Kept Talking All night

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1 year ago
Topics: Love, Thought, Heart, Mind, Togetherness, ...

We kept talking all night. "Wow!" He screamed at me. You look so, lushy, sassy, classy and words I felt were from his deepest heart adorning my beauty. You're so beautiful he said as he drew me closer and felt our heartbeat. If all these he said to me, I replied without saying a word. I had thousands of words spoken inside me, boldly written in my heart and communicated with my smile and gaze. His memories were insane as we kept talking all night.

Messages From My Heart

"I value our time together greatly and enjoy every second that we have together. Being around you, laughing with you, and conversing with you completely alters my mood. Every second I spend with you is filled with affection. The times I have had with you rank among my favorite moments in my entire life. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I appreciate your smiles. However, I adore being the cause.

When I'm in your arms, time should just halt because it's the best sensation ever. The weather or what I'm doing has no bearing on my ideal day. Every day I spend with you is my ideal day. The only thing I want to do is lay on your chest and watch your heart beat. I want to keep creating memories with you forever. Spending time with you is like living a lovely dream... I cherish you. The message of immature love is "I love you because I need you." But a mature relationship will state, "I need you because I love you."

I can fully be myself while we're together, and it makes a huge difference. Your love has touched my heart, and I cherish every second we spend together. I will always be appreciative of the love and happiness you have brought into my life. It's our time to shine and do as we choose. Today is our day to enjoy and have fun. Today is the day we should be stress- and problem-free. I adore how funny you can be. I adore how you love me in return. Everything about you is wonderful.

I adore your character and want to live out the rest of my days with you. If I could, I'd stay in your arms all day. The most priceless times in my life have been those spent with you. This is my way of saying "thank you" for all the time we've spent together, all the kisses and hugs, and all the tears we've shared for one another. You are the man of my dreams, and I don't know what I did to earn a king as amazing as you. I appreciate our connection more than you can possibly imagine. Love is nourished by the need to see each other during every waking hour of the day as well as by the joy of looking at each other.

I value our time together greatly and enjoy every second that we have together. Keep in mind that I'm right behind you and at your side at every turn in life. I can let all my issues go while I'm with you. Time stands still with you. There is no one else besides you. I consider being with you to be happy. I often imagine what it might feel like to doze off in your arms before I go to sleep. The best sensation in the world, arguably. I can never have enough time with you, no matter how much I spend with you. I will always need your affection, and I depend on you every day.

Unexpectedly, I fell in love with you, but now I want to be with you forever. Love: It's something I've known about, read about, dreamed about, and cried over my entire life. Now that I'm seated next to you, I believe I've located it. Even when we are apart, I am constantly thinking of you. I'm pondering how much I adore being with you and your grin. You have my undying love, always and forever. You remain the chosen one. I will always be in love with you. I enjoy being with you the most while cuddling, conversing, and having conversations. Spending time with you is like living a lovely dream... I cherish you.

Hand in hand, you and me, you and I are walking together. Today, tomorrow, and always".

"Isn't LOVE sweet" _ @Gianna-B

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago
Topics: Love, Thought, Heart, Mind, Togetherness, ...


I reflected on how the poem makes me feel. it evokes certain emotions or memories, your poetry often aims to create emotional connections. I love that . Keep it up

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1 year ago

You must be carried away by what doesn't last forever ♾️

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1 year ago