To my dear self: Gianna-B

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1 year ago

What's going on everyone? I was talking with my classmates in the morning and most of them were talking about travelling for Christmas break and about new year preparation. It was a lovely discussion until one person asked a question; how do you upgrade yourself by next year?

That was an unexpected question that changed the topic of discussion for real. Some said jokingly that they would just get richer while some said they'll look better in appearance but to me, that is so personal. After we dismissed, I just picked the fresh lines of that question and it kept ruminating inside me and today ASI write, I talk to myself..

Dear Gianna

“Be yourself, but always your better self.” KARL G MAESER

It's fantastic that you have intentions for a better year! By establishing some goals for yourself, you can get started. This might offer you a sense of direction and help you concentrate on your goals. Your considerations for objectives can include the following:

Increasing your physical and mental well-being which could involve making healthier food choices, exercising frequently, and lowering your stress levels.

Developing a new skill or pastime: This can involve anything from picking up a new hobby to learning a new language.

Developing your career could entail going after a promotion, changing jobs, or opening your own company even as a student and kiss poverty goodbye. A company? Wow but yes with any skill I have acquired. It starts from a step till you get at the top.

Spending more time with friends and family, getting back in touch with old friends, or making new acquaintances are all examples of ways to build deeper relationships.

Once you have certain objectives in mind, you can begin putting together a strategy to achieve them. This may entail formulating smart goals specific and measurable, achievement, relevant, and time-bound—dividing your goals into smaller, more doable activities, and identifying any potential roadblocks. To keep you motivated and on track, you can also think about locating a support system or accountability partner.

Focusing on your own progress is another thing you may do to improve the upcoming year. This could entail practising being more patient, improving your communication abilities, or mastering better time management techniques. By working on yourself, you can become a happier and more content person, which can significantly impact your general well-being..

Ultimately, taking initiative and moving closer to your goals can help you have a better year. So don't be hesitant to start and go forward with your plans for a better year!

Picture taken from

Finally, remember to schedule time for the activities that make you happy. This could be doing something enjoyable and relaxing, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in a hobby. Making time for the activities that make you happy can help you achieve balance and well-being, which will make you feel more upbeat and hopeful about the coming year. May we all find out peace as we get ready for 2023.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.

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1 year ago


you are great dear. always be yourself... To make a plan for the new year, money is necessary first.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend true we must focus and forward to our goals and plans in life. That's the best thing we must do.

$ 0.00
1 year ago