Role Model (huwaran)

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2 years ago

18th January, 2022

Hello lovelies, Kamusta kayong lahat. (How are you all) it a pleasure to write again today. Right here in my country Nigeria, it a fresh morning. So permit me to say; magandang umaga (good morning). I have to say that I feel so good this morning and I feel so lovely too writing in this awesome group today. My shout out to everyone and I am wishing you all a happy and healthy day today.

When there is mastery in what we do, we are regarded as the best. The best in everything is celebrated and adored anywhere, anytime. People wants to be the best in whatever they do and that I may say, is the reward for passion. When we look at our screens, we see people who are best known for what they are doing, they have a lot of fans and followers who wish to become like them.

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Most times, they are reffered to as gods of their career and have many wannabes. When I see people like this, I ask myself a question; "where they born like this or is it there personal gift from God to them ?" The answer remains that nobody was a celebrity. People can be born in a rich family. Rich or poor family, t doesn't matter to be a person that people can look up to and call a model. A role model and in Filipino, rôle modelo.

Na isang huwaran? (Who is a role model?)

A role model is a person or someone others look up to as a good example of something. It can also be someone who is worthy to be imitated. Just like our trainers or instructors, beloved teacher or a well-behaved celebrity that has a positive contribution to the society through his/her career. Just as a model is something that represents an inspirational ideal, a role model is someone who inspires and makes others to imitate his or her good behavior.

Those days as a kid, I can still remember my lovely parents telling little me not to follow this group of friends, that I should make friends with people like this and that. All because they already know my friends even before me and they know where they come from as well. So with fatherly and motherly advice, they try to make us safe by telling us what is good for us. I can recall as well when my day said to my brother; don't you see this guy in same class with you, he always make a good and competitive results, follow him and try to be like him.

I believe that in one way or the other, someone dear to us have told is a thing like that. They all wish and want the best for us. I also believe that; while growing up, we have a super hero we would want to be like. We want a character that we want to learn from and be like.That was a a kid.

Right now at this stage of our lives, do we still have someone we look forward to becoming like? To some of us, the answer is YES! Me for instance, I have many image's of people I would be like.

To those of us who have achieved their desires and have people looking up to them, I say congratulations. It is hard work and dedication that paid your success and I believe you all started by looking upto someone.

Can we be our own role model?

Having people to look upto and admiring to be like others at the peak of their career or success is really awesome and am easy thinking. Anyone could easily and simply put someone up in their mind and call that person a model. That is good but, you can be better if you give yourself a challenge to be a different person, to be a person of uniqueness with something positive to write about.

Trying to copy other people's lifestyle is somewhat good but; what about your own or do you think you can't stand out with who you are. When we learn to be ourselves, then I think there's no need for someone to be our role model. The answer to the big question is YES! We can be our model.

Being proud of ourselves

Sometimes we think less of what we can do or who we can become from how better we can do things or how good we can make things work. When we try but failed, we should keep it up because one sure thing is that; every role model has a failure story in their history. Where you come from, how you are seen has no negative contribution to not being proud of yourself. Some minerals proudly looks so ugly but when refined, you know what next.

Challenge yourself.

Set yourself a standard. Be someone's better than people you see on the screen. My mom once pressured me to as a kid to to beat the challenge and take the first position in class. When I told my aunt that I can't do it, shae said "what do you mean Gianna! If you think you can't do it, then be someone else who can do it". When we see things as though, let assume to be someone else who can do it, set that standard and I don't care if you can't make it to that. Be bruce lee or Jackie Chan or any image that have done it. If you can imagine ourselves being at the top, I believe we can make it there. We are all one people.

Making right decision

This is a very important process. There are so many roads to our destination. Many roads to success. One is shorter and accurate while the other is long and unimaginative. To have a good result of what we want, we have the right steps to follow. Sometimes, it never easy but the journey still remains.

Following our passion and dream.

One thing about copying others is that, they are living their passion and because we have seen the best and beauty in them, we love them and try to be exactly like them. Doing what they are doing and on the process, copying the wrong thing. We are all naturally endowed with different taste buds of passion and likeness. It left for us to find out what gives a the vibes we love and work on that. People can have the same passion though but we have to be sure that this is what we want to do, who we wanna be and what we find joy in becoming.

With all these said than done, I believe we are rôle modelo (huwaran)

Thanks for reading and have a nice day lovlies. Remember to be your role model.

"tandaan na maging iyong huwaran"

Copyright@Gianna-b, 2022 and all rights reserved.

$ 0.52
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2 years ago


There are things we do that we can be proud of ourselves and our achievements. It is true we can be our own role models if we are happy with what we do

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes princess. Thanks for your comments

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm always proud of myself with my little achievement and I'm glad I keep on achieving the little I do

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes. Journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.

$ 0.00
2 years ago