My idea of a Dream (question recipes)

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2 years ago

"Ask the right question if you are to find the right answer" Vanessa Redgrave

Today is a beautiful Sunday with friends and families of Readland. I am super excited beforehand. Every day is a birthday as my nephew is celebrating today. Happy birthday to him 🎉.

In today's article, I have come up with another random questions and answers as a recipe for reading, hehe! You can join me by writing your answers too. In these questions, I tried to focus more on personal views about things and tried to know reasons and opinions about something that can happen to us or just anyone and finally about myself. I hope you find it interesting as you read. Here I go..

What is your idea of a dream?

I have two answers to give here. First, I think that dreams are what we have seen by the day or what we have thought about and where we have been, coming to play in our mind when we are asleep. For instance, when my phone was stolen I needed a new phone to continue with but didn't have enough money at hand. I also had this type of phone I want to get and it keeps imagining myself getting it. Some nights when I sleep, I see the exact phone in my hands. This happened more than two times until I finally bought the phone in physical.

Dreams can come from what we think of or what we wish to have. I have also dreamt of the good times I already had with my friends and the conversations we had too.

Secondly, I think that dreams are our spiritual self communicating with us. This is a little psychic because sometimes it happens to me and I can't just explain the connection. For instance, I have seen someone who travelled far away come back home and in reality, the person came back just two days later. I have also been somewhere in my dream where I recognized the environment. Days later, I see myself being in the exact place I have seen in my dreams. The environment is the same and even the roads are the same. When I find myself in places like that, I remember I had dreamt of it before and I just moved on. Dreams can be our spirit communicating with us.

What do you think people should get married for?

For a marriage to happen, there should be agreement between two parties and with that noted, I think people should get married because they are ready and have seen the right person to spend their life with . That is my simple reason why I think people should get married. With that, the parties involved can handle any outcome of their union. Love is not left behind because no love, no marriage.

There have been so many cases of divorce just a few days after marriage. The worst happened two years ago just less than two hours after the wedding. The bride's family started an argument with the groom's family with each supporting their family respectively. This made the reception to end and marriage dismissed because of a disagreement between the just wedded families. That day, my mom was prepared to attend the reception when her friend called her to stay behind that the marriage has been dissolved unceremoniously. Till today, I can't believe something like that happened. The couples aren't just ready for marriage and that sums it up.

When was the last time you cried?

Wow! That day was so unexpected. I wish I skipped a day like that in my life. It was when my phone was stolen on a Saturday after a workout at the stadium. I gave it to my cousin sister to hold it for me but she mistakenly kept the bag where the phones were stolen. Like a surprise, I cried slowly till my eyes bulged. It wasn't funny at all. I hate that experience and never wish it to anyone. This happened a few months ago.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

My childhood is my darling memory. I have lots of admiration and lots of things that interested me as a child. During early school days, we were made to believe that office work is the goal and I have always wanted to be a nurse. From being a nurse, I remember also saying I want to be a lawyer, a reverend sister and more. I think if I see something that interests me, I'll love to be that in the future but here am I now.

Would your younger self be proud of who you are today?

Very well, my younger self would be so proud of myself right now. I am happy with myself and I am living comfortably to my little taste. I still have my goals that I am in the process of accomplishing but still, I am good and my younger self would smile at me now. Sometimes I even wish to be a child again lol! Free life and eating what I want at the time I want it. Childhood is a bae 😘

What's your relationship like to your name?

My people believe that name follows a child. This means that when a child's name means good luck, the child will always have luck and that's it. We believe that people behave according to their name.

I am Leo and I have the characteristics of the Leo personality. Leos are known for their generosity of time, money respect, and energy. I can say that I have these qualities in common with my name Gianna which means "God is gracious"

Thank you for your patience and time. This is the end of my questions and answers and I hope it makes sense to you. See you in my next post and bye for now. I miss your tips @TheRandomRewarder

@Gianna-B, 2022

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2 years ago


You said it well. Dreams are purely on what's in our thoughts. That's why we dream of danger when when there a risky stuff we are battling with in real life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are beautiful answers and I enjoyed reading them.

Secondly, I think that dreams are our spiritual self communicating with us.

I agree to this too. Dreams can come in different meaning and you have just explained them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me my friend, the last time I cried because of sadness I when I lost my phone. I am really sad. I cried a lot because I couldn't accept it. I was having hard time of moving on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago