Let's Talk About Gays a little bit

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1 year ago
Topics: Gender, Transgender, He, She, Lgbt, ...

"I was not ladylike, nor was I manly, I was something else altogether. There were so many different ways to be beautiful " _Michael Cunningham

From the above quote, there is something significant to me which is "ladylike and manly". This makes a great identification of the supposed and natural gender we have on this planet earth, but as it is known prior to the trend worldwide; the LGBT community. I wouldn't question any existence of any gender or say why it should be or not be what it is but for clarity sake, here I come with this article.

Still on my ticktock streaming, I came across another video where a gay right activist was defending her belief in what she chose to be her right. It was a tough moment for both the speakers and the listeners as a new definition was made on quite an interesting moment, I took my time glancing on my screen as the lady explains, trying to convince her opponent.

One thing I find out about gays is that: they often stand up for themselves and for their whole community. I think that is so interesting and deserves to be emulated by all. I have never been convinced by any of them but I have always admired the fact that they always stood up defending themselves and their whole community. I really picked that interest and have tried to emulate that aspect of their life.

The lady was asked why she chose to be a gay and she replied that it is her right to choose what to be and who to become which I nodded to affirmation. Yes, our life belongs to us but not everyone we are allowed to do with it.

She was asked how many genders we have and she responded by saying two, as well as mentioned them. The following question made it a tough moment for both her and the listeners. She was asked if a man could give birth which she boldly said yes! She said yes that a man could give birth to a baby and that caught my attention in a different way. Everyone was surprised at ber answer. She was then asked to define a female. She went ahead to say that a female is any creature that can give birth to a baby, be it human or animal.

That was correct but what? She knows what a female is and what purpose she exists for, interesting! Her final question in the clip was, "what are transgenders likely to be addressed" then she said; "if it is a female transgender, she has all the right to be referred to as a lady not just because she's exercising her right but because that is what she has become, and so applies to the opposite". I was just like wow! All these are decisions with intentions and emotions.

In some countries where they claim to have a right to choose who they want to become, they hate it when another is publicly against their rights. Nobody should publicly criticize them because if I were one, I wouldn't like it. Yeah, it is a free life but we chose wisely and not otherwise. An eleven year old boy was chased out of a classroom/hall because he was wearing a top that was written "there're only two genders" I think the reason why they succeeded in chasing him out was because of their unity but here is my question. I still haven't understood why the little boy was chased out because of what was written on his top. "If truly we have the right to do what we want, why were they threatened by what the little boy was wearing? They of course choose emotions over human rights and that was wrong of them. As you stand on your right, please allow others to exercise theirs too.

This gay debate as I see might not end this century because it keeps making headlines daily. Even in countries where they are banned, they still trend daily.

My opinion is very simple. As an adult, no one would teach you how to live your life. You already know what's right and what's wrong and there's nothing in-between. Your life belongs to you but however you wanna live it, please contribute positively to the world, starting from your own circle, the people around you. I'll close with this gay quote by an "Unknown" " Being gay is like being left-handed. Some people are, most people aren't and nobody really knows why. It's not right or wrong. It's just the way things are" _ Unknown

Thank you for your precious time.

Image credit: all photos were taken from unsplash free images.

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago
Topics: Gender, Transgender, He, She, Lgbt, ...


Even gays do have the right to be respected in this world. Most of them are successful in their own fields.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's correct

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1 year ago