It's Chocolate Day Fams

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1 year ago

Hello Read-land, hello actives and big Dreamers. I guess some of us are unaware of today's worldwide holiday. I didn't know earlier until now that I have decided to write about it. It's "World Chocolate Day" today the 7th of July. That's interesting because I am a fan of chocolate. It made my childhood especially my early school days. Till present, I take chocolate but not often and I can't even remember my last time taking it this year.

How I got to know

I was taking a reading break with my friend when all of a sudden a taxi drove past us and stopped right ahead of us. The taxi driver turned on his car radio and when we walked past them, his door was open and we heard that radio voice saying "happy world chocolate day today"...

World Chocolate Day, a delicious holiday which I think should be more important to children because it should send fluttering hearts, taste sensations and dancing. On this happy occasion, chocolate lovers and candy lovers from all over the world should gather together to celebrate the allure and divine flavor of chocolate and on this particular day, I honor a variety of delicious delicacies that incorporate the much-loved component as well as the pure joy of chocolate itself.

Everyone on this planet must have in a way or the other taken advantage of this Choco product, whether directly or indirectly. We used to have a cocoa tree back home those days and I would always disturb my cousins to keep some for me anytime I would visit with my parents. I wish I could see one today in honor of the day, lol!

If I have the opportunity to celebrate chocolate for kiddies, the celebration would include a wide variety of chocolate-infused treats, from decadent chocolate candy bars, delicious chocolate cakes, enticing brownies, and everything in between to rich chocolate milk and cozy hot chocolate. I am really going through lots of imaginations right now, who would help me bring it out to reality!! One of my primary school memories was the botanical name of Cocoa which is "Theobroma cacao". I never forget that since the first day I was taught in school.

My friend and I went ahead to research more about why this day is so significant and we found out that this day "World Chocolate Day" which was first observed in 2009, commemorates the alleged arrival of chocolate in Europe around 1550. Everywhere in the world, candy shops and small businesses provide their best chocolate goodies on this day for customers of all ages to enjoy.

World Chocolate Day is significant because it acts as a lovely reminder of the shared love and respect for one of the most popular sweets in the world. As a symbol of joy, indulgence, and celebration on this particular day, chocolate crosses cultural barriers and unites individuals in a shared indulgent moment. On this day, we celebrate the rich history, superb workmanship, and pure joy that chocolate brings to our lives, allowing us to lose ourselves in a world of sweetness and savor each delicious taste.

Anyone who catches interest could celebrate by eating some chocolate or its products. One can enjoy a decadent chocolate dessert at a favorite restaurant, invite friends over for a chocolate tasting party and ask them to bring their favorite chocolate dishes to share. I would buy some choco bars and tea to commemorate the day and if you have a birthday, I guess you make a chocolate cake.

I appreciate your time.

All images are from unsplash free pictures.

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago


I am a choco lover, I do love dark chocolates 😋.

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1 year ago