What is your passion?

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2 years ago

If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.

-TD Jakes

What is your passion?, Do you have passion at all? Or are you just living life for living sake. Even if you don't have purpose, have passion for that is where you will discover your own purpose in life. If you are without any passion it's therefore means that your purpose will be unknown because it is through your passion that your purpose will be clearly be reveal to you.

Passion which can be seen as a fervor determination towards something, it is a process where by someone has a strong powerful emotions towards something. When we say that a person is being passionate about a particular things, it's therefore means that that person is really in love with what he or she is doing, when people become passionate to something, their zeal is in what there are doing.

Some people do use to say a word like, I have passion for singing, I have passion for dancing, I have passion for reading or I have passion for reading books, which means everyone has one or the other thing they really love rather than telling them. Your passion really would be reveal by you yourself and that is where you will discover your truly you if at all your are smart.

There is no how someone will give a way for his passion that he will not recover his purpose, I am seeing this as the very easiest and common way of knowing your purpose. If you can give a chance for your passion to become your purpose ,and it will one day become your profession.

It will one day become your profession in the sense that, that is what you have been practiclsing everyday, what you love doing is exactly what you will master. If you are always a person who have passion for singing even if they wake you up from sleep and ask you to sing a song immediately, you will sing it without even wasting time because that has been what you have being doing on your daily basis.

You become a professional on what you have been doing on your daily basis, you will likely become a master of what you like doing not a professional on what you don't like doing. A professional is a person who has mastered in a particular thing which even if they called on him urgently he will still deliver what he has just because that has been his field.

It is said that when the value of a thing is unknown that abuse is inevitable, abuse will always be inevitable in the sense that people do not really understand the value, when the value is not reveal to people that is when they will misinterpret the whole sentences. The truth here is that when people do not know what is really passion, that's mean that they might have passion and the passion become unknow to them.

Doing what you really aspire for can be called passion, and forcing ourselves on what we don't truly love is not it all, it can never be called passion because we are only addicting it, we are just doing it just for doing, we don't just enjoy doing it. It is said that stress is only when we work hard for something we don't care, but when we work out for something we love is passion.

We sometimes through away our passion and jump into what is not really our passion, some might be because of money and other things, but what I do know is that any money we are being paid is just a bribe, they are just giving us the money in order to blind our eyes from not being able to see what we have passion for. It is good not to work for money, but to work for our passions.

It will be a very beautiful thing when ones calling in life, which is known as career comes together with passion, that is where everything will become normal and well match, the equation will be well balance.

Figure out your passion, for your passion will lead you right into your purpose. You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the focus and the support.

Thank you for reading.

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Written by
2 years ago


I think you have made me see something from another angle tonight. The only way we can truly identify our purpose in life is to check through what we are passionate about. Sincerely, this is my firs time hearing this and I have learned something tonight. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love counselling people on the basic aspects of life especially relationships and marriage.. I'm not married though hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My passion is teaching. I missed teaching to my learners since we have modular type of learning. I did not make absences in my workplace for I love teaching really though some of my learners don't like my subject.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that is such a nice passion, even when your learners don't like the subject you can't be discourage by that because that is your passion. If these person don't like it another person will like, it is not everybody that would love a particular thing.

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2 years ago