People knows where they're heading to

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2 years ago

An amazing greetings to all my friends. I really want to appreciate each and everyone here. Though is being a while since I make a post here, but all the same I am here. That happen due to some certain challenges I when through that didn't give me chance to do anything. I really apologize for being absent for quite some days. I hope everyone is doing well.? I am very happy to reach out to you guys once again.

Today I what to point out some certain things that we normally use to do, or should I called it some mistakes that we normally do. And to some of us we do not see it as mistakes or as if we're not doing anything wrong. There are some certain things that we act wrongly and unknowingly to us we take it as if we are totally right. All this things are what we should try to stop it, or iron them out in order to not to be harmful to those our neighbors living around us in our society as well.

There are most people that knows where they are heading to. Before most people take their steps or begin a particular program, they have their own very target. They really have in mind where they are going to, or how they want it to looks like. I likely use to say that when a man become stranded on his journey, it could be that such person started a journey without having no idea of his destination at the first place. People sometimes use to do such, but a reasonable human being will not just begin a journey without any idea of where he wants to end his journey.

People knows their way about, they don't just start a journey without having a plane plan on where they are going to, or what will be the outcome of what they want to achieve. People knows where they are heading to before they even make a step towards it. Before they make any action be it bad or good, they have something that they want to achieve. It could be in the end it doesn't work out as they expected, but that doesn't mean that they didn't have their own direction and their own expectations.

An artist who carried out a drawing, knows exactly how he wants his drawing to be. He has a plane picture of how he wants his drawing to looks like. He has his own finishing level. But people sometimes try to conclude it for them without knowing their minds, and the exact picture of what the artist have in their mind. Why should we like to conclude what we do not know. Why should we try to conclude for people when those people that we are trying to conclude for, have their own plans already.

It is said, pencil in the hand of a creator. Every creator has his own finishing plan, he has in his inner mind what he wants to achieve and the picture he is trying to figure out at his finishing level. So there's no need people concluding for him when he had already have the clear picture on his mind. Everyone have in mind what and how they want their life to look like. But at some point people do try to mislead them. People try to confuse in so many ways. But I am seeing those who easily get confused by people like those classes of people who do not have where they're heading to.

Most people knows where exactly they are heading to. It would be when other people comes in with their confusion, they will be able to stand their ground in other not to get confused due to those plans the had in mind. People can easily convince you and take you out from your plan, but what will help you is when you know where you're are heading to, once you have a clear picture of how you want your life to be, nobody would control your life, or no body will help you to live your life. You will be the one living your life alone.

If we want to get those things we are hopeful for, we have to know our ending point. We have to draw our own plans even before time. We shouldn't allow People to control us due to our inability of knowing what exactly how we want it to be. People are different and so are their plans. We shouldn't think that their plans should also looks the same like our own. People knows where they are heading to.

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2 years ago


Allowing other people decide what our lives should look like we will only get us frustrated at the end. We own our lives and we should know what we need and want it to be instead of living the plant of another person. Your're welcome back to the platform, nice having you back.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to have a vision on where do we want to end up to, so we could also work our goals out.

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2 years ago