Life is tough

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2 years ago
Topics: Life Lesson

"Life is tough, my darling but so are you".

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going".

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Life is tough and we don't need anyone to tell us about it, we have seen it already, I have come to realize that life story doesn't have an end you only end it for yourself the very day you disappear from the world through death, life is tough and we also need to become tough if we must keep going, we need to be strong and resilient that is the only way we can win the war of life and stand out as champions, we wouldn't keep going when life is tough and we are weak, like we know we if a competitor develop weakness in a given composition such competitor has already planned and to me I should advice that such person should stay back instead of going to disgrace himself.

Accept responsibility in life know that it is you that who will get to where you aspire to go to no one else, if you look beyond the toughness of life and create success it is you who creates the success and if you allowed the tough life to weigh you down it's you who also create the failure for yourself no one else, I like saying that if a person refuse to accept a responsibly such person will be a liability to others people, such like the family, the friends and others in the society, because when you denied yourself of taking some certain responsibility and task you suppose to do which will be useful to you, you are harming yourself so badly.

Life is tough my darling, but always remember that the mind is infinite, it is only your doubt that is limiting, our mind is without limit it can adapt a positive or negative, it can adapt large or small, but it is our doubt that is limiting us from giving out a try to see if we can have the best of every opportunity that knocks on us, life is tough and we are aware of it, there no time to waste time waste time for life to become fairly with us, it's our duty to zero our minds and move forward by having in mind that the world would one day be fair to us, we shouldn't wait until the world become fair with us, we are just humans we do not know when it will be.

The mind is always open, when we say that someone is open minded its therefore means that the person has not limit his or her mind, someone that always open up his or her mind does not lacks, because his mind is always ever open to opportunity and some new things are free to come in, good things normally happens to those who are ready to accept it, if we need a solid and enviable future for ourselves, we need to establish it, we easily take a charge of our future only when we take control of our income source, life is tough and so we are, we can become a boss of our own and abandoning the tough part of life to be.

Life is tough but people are still succeeding, people are still making names, people are building houses here and there, and sometimes I do ask myself a question, people are complaining about how the world economy is bad, how the bills and everyday prices are going high and yet people are still building and buying things, building the biggest mansions, building hotels, buying private jet and purchasing money on so many things numerous to mention, but when I remember the quote that says "wealth is the product of man's capability to think". Which means there are people that doesn't even rely on government there are capable to survive even without the help of government just because the have think and planned well.

Even when life is tough, the tough are still going without looking to see if life is tough or not, because their minds are not listening to the tough life it's only their ear that hears it but that can never stop them from going forward, war does not finish the whole generation at least it will leave some people alive, so the same happen when we say that life is tough, it is not everyone that feels the toughness that life offer at a time, when life seems to be tough also be tough with life also, never let life to be so tough with you and you become friendly it.

The world economy is not the issue the issue is you, you become the issue when you think that its suppose to be your government that should be doing everything for you, where by there is power in you that you can discover and change the world to another heights entirely, my mentor once said if you want to get rich, you have to move, you don't need a new job; that all you need is a new address, all you need is a new address means you don't need to rely much on the government work, you a new address which is a business of your own, and I believe that is exactly where no body will query you, no body will sack you from work, with the business of your own you control your own well of income.

My humble thanks goes to @ Talecharm for seeing the need to encourage me in my writing journey, I really appreciate your sponsorship renewal, thanks in a million ways.

Thanks for reading.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life Lesson


Life is a tough, it is better we take our normal responsibility now, before we regreat it tomorrow, let's plan well and survived without the help of government,a powerless people can not survive in these life, only people that are with PowwwwwwwwwwwwER can survive in life, let's take our responsibility and do our part, let us not depend on government, government is for the people and by the people and for the people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehe you are right friend.

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2 years ago
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2 years ago