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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

赞助有助于比特币现金生态系统实现多赢。与协作式的项目融资不同,赞助能支持当下进行的工作,帮助你在比特币现金上的投资,提高你作为企业或投资人的知名度。如果您准备加入,read.cash 能使所有参与其中的人都获得赞助。


本质上而言,由中本聪发起并由比特币现金延续的网络是一个需要自我依靠的项目。传统投资者没有可与之相比较的先例。高波动性能吸引投机者,但他们缺乏信仰。比特币现金的根本价值来自那些相信点对点电子现金能真正带来改变的人,正如(Justin Bons)所言:“投资实用性。” 投资形式多种多样:包括采用项目商业投资协作资金人道主义项目基础设施市场营销在线商务开源协议产品社会资本等。我们必须将赞助添加到这一列表中。



类似于General Protocols,一些项目是在其自身结构中构建了可持续性的业务。但是,许多项目,甚至是关键项目都是由志愿者展开的。尽管那些志愿者对比特币现金的未来充满信心,但很难投入大部分时间和资源。

能把各种资源聚集在一起的一种方法是协作式募资,例如 Flipstarter。它为单个投资者或企业难以支持的、具有较大目标的大型项目提供了募资工具。除了加强比特币现金网络和投资外,捐赠人可以通过支持优质项目来赢得声誉。



企业是传统的赞助商。通过赞助可以提高他们赖以生存的基础设施的可靠性。General Protocols的赞助政策主要考虑两大因素:

●      我们对项目的依赖程度

●      项目的资金状况


Sic Parvis Magna - 积少成多

毫无疑问, General Protocols会随着收入的增长而扩大我们的赞助,但暂时只是象征性的数额。我们认为,当下重要的是生态系统做出承诺并采取行动,依靠自我发展到下一阶段。我们希望新老投资者和企业都参与其中。

感谢以下项目付出努力与General Protocols建立了赞助机制。作为高实用性的项目,他们积极推动比特币现金生态系统中的赞助机制:

●      BCHD / Meep (正在网站上添加赞助)

●      CashScript

●      Electron Cash (正在网站上添加赞助)

●      Spedn

感谢 Coin Dance的赞助系统为我们提供了灵感。

你是比特币现金的投资者或相关企业吗? 请确定你认为最重要的项目,并找到赞助它们的方法。

你在做比特币现金生态内的项目吗? 请思考让投资者和企业赞助项目的益处。

不知如何开始? 来体验Read.cash吧。在这里人人都可获得赞助

General Protocols Blog

This article forms part of the General Protocols Blog, a collection of cross-platform links showcasing our team's community activity, Bitcoin Cash projects, UTXO development, and general crypto musings.

$ 0.58
$ 0.50 from @im_uname
$ 0.05 from @emergent_reasons
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for GeneralProtocols
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


Most of you don't know Chinese, that's why we translate it for our followers We extend our gratitude to the followers of our site. Translate in English 👇😊👇 Sponsorship to push Bitcoin Cash a step further

Sponsorship helps the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem to achieve multiple wins. Unlike collaborative project financing, sponsorship can support the current work, help you invest in Bitcoin Cash, and increase your reputation as a business or investor. If you are ready to join, read.cash can make everyone involved get sponsored.

Bitcoin Cash and the demand for bootstrapping Essentially, the network initiated by Satoshi Nakamoto and continued by Bitcoin Cash is a self-reliant project. Traditional investors have no comparable precedent. High volatility attracts speculators, but they lack faith. The fundamental value of Bitcoin cash from those who believe in peer electronic cash can really bring about change, as ( Justin Bons ) said: " Investment practical resistance." Invest in various forms: including the use of project , business investment , cooperation funds , Humanitarian projects , infrastructure , marketing , online commerce , open source agreements , products , social capital, etc. We must add sponsorship to this list.

Meet the self-development of ongoing work through sponsorship

Similar to General Protocols, some projects build sustainable businesses in their own structure. However, many projects, even key projects, are carried out by volunteers. Although those volunteers are confident in the future of Bitcoin Cash, it is difficult to devote most of their time and resources.

One way to bring various resources together is collaborative fundraising, such as Flipstarter . It provides a fund-raising tool for large-scale projects with larger goals that are difficult for a single investor or enterprise to support. In addition to strengthening the Bitcoin Cash network and investment, donors can earn reputation by supporting quality projects.

Sponsorship provides us with another investment tool. The simplest mechanism is well known: the project is sponsored and the funder gains visibility (via the logo on the project website and/or code repository). Support can be money or labor. This model is very suitable for projects that need continuous support and sponsors that need continuous attention.

Sponsorship as a policy of Bitcoin Cash businesses Enterprises are traditional sponsors. Sponsorship can improve the reliability of the infrastructure they depend on. The sponsorship policy of General Protocols mainly considers two factors:

● The degree of our dependence on the project

● Project funding status

After that, we communicated with these projects to find out their needs and allocate budget objectively based on the above factors. Currently, we promise to sponsor once a month.

Sic Parvis Magna-Accumulate more There is no doubt that General Protocols will expand our sponsorship as revenue grows, but it is only a symbolic amount for the time being. We believe that it is important for the ecosystem to make commitments and take actions, relying on self-development to the next stage. We hope that both new and old investors and companies will participate.

Thanks to the following projects for their efforts to establish a sponsorship mechanism with General Protocols. As a highly practical project, they actively promote the sponsorship mechanism in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem:

● BCHD / Meep (Adding sponsorship on the website)

● CashScript

● Electron Cash (Sponsorship is being added on the website)

● Spedn

Thanks to Coin Dance's sponsorship system for providing us with inspiration.

Are you an investor or related company in Bitcoin Cash? Please identify the items that you consider the most important and find ways to sponsor them.

Are you working on a project in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem? Please think about the benefits of getting investors and companies to sponsor projects.

Don't know how to start? Come and experience Read.cash. Everyone can get sponsorship here .

$ 0.00
3 years ago