She Knows Everything

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2 years ago

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. - Galileo Galilei -

How many people know the absolute, unadulterated, truth about you? How you feel, what you think, your hopes, fears and dreams, loves and hates...I mean everything.

Most filter what information they share although wouldn't it be an interesting world if none of us had a filter and couldn't lie? There was a movie in which the character, a compulsive liar, lost his ability to do so and it resulted in funny, embarrassing and life changing moments. Alas life isn't like that, so we filter the information we share with people, sometimes from our loved ones also; myself included.

I think a lot. I don't mean I'm smarter than the next person though; most of you who read my posts will know I am not. I mean, my mind is loath to switch off and is always filled with something. There's a lot of empty space in there, plenty of room for all of those thoughts, but sometimes it fills up and I have to download it...but to whom?

I'm slow to trust people because people are people and often don't deserve my trust; I've been let down too many times so am careful with what I tell people. It probably speaks poorly of me, this lack of trust in humanity, but it's the only way to protect myself from a recurrence of past issues.

But, there is someone I trust implicitly...Somecat to be more precise.

That's a picture of Cleo above, I took it tonight. I was sitting with her after work talking about my day (which wasn't a great one) and some frustrations I have currently that I'm not keen to tell anyone else.

I can tell her though; why? Umm, she's a cat and won't repeat it obviously. Anyway, it's not that I'm afraid of opening up to others (humans) it's just that I'm not always ready to right away, and with some things will never do so. Talking to Cleo is a way to say the words, get them out of my head, without fear of them being repeated or of being judged, pitied, envied, ashamed, embarrassed, reviled or whatever else humans feel is an appropriate response. She just listens, purrs and falls asleep sometimes as well.

Some of you may remember Merlin, my best friend. He passed away in 2020, only a few days before my father did and both left a rather big whole in me that won't fill up.

I'd had Merlin for twenty two years and we spoke every day about everything. When he died I was devastated...and told Cleo about it. In truth, she missed Merlin so much also...I've never seen two cats be so reliant upon one another like those two. We consoled each other I guess and Cleo took over from Merlin so now she knows everything there is to know about me, and knows how to keep it secret.

After speaking with Cleo tonight we had a cuddle and I felt better. I love the way she totally trusts me when I pick her up.

She goes limp all over and just sinks into my arms knowing she is safe, protected at all costs and can let go of any fear or doubt. She's a flighty cat and doesn't like strangers and loud noises so for her to relax like that says a lot about how comfortable she feels. I feel the same in return I guess, she brings me so much comfort and contentedness that I feel well, I guess I feel safe also, cradled emotionally.

Pets are amazing things and have incredible powers over their owners. They have a healing ability I believe, one of the reasons they introduce animals to elderly people, the infirm and those who suffer with dementia. Pets heal the soul, or so I find it and that's certainly what Cleo does for me.

Have you had, or do you have, similar experiences with your own pets? I think most pet owners feel a close bond with their pets, and most I know talk to I'm not crazy y'all! Let me know in the comments if you have a pet story of your own or of someone you know...and, if you have any secrets to tell just go ahead and put them in the comments...The G-dog knows how to keep a secret.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind 😉

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2 years ago



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