Letter to my mom

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Written by
2 years ago

Dear mom❤️❤️,

Hello mummy,I know it has been long that I wrote to you because of my busy schedules with school activities and working at the same time of which you are aware of. I know I have offended you because I can't be busy for the person I said I love so much and cherish. Not matter what,I know I should have reached out to you earlier before this time,all the same " I am so sorry mom". Forgive me for being childish and for acting spoilt towards you, I am still your child and there is no where you will push me to. I hope you are good? How is daddy doing and my siblings too? I am sure you are all doing great including your work too,is going on perfectly fine.

I am writing you this letter to tell you how much I have missed you. I really missed you mom,I wish I could just finish my school today and come home today but it is not just possible. No one like that can be compared to you over here,I have tried as much as possible to do my research if I can see someone who can be compared to you but all to no avail. None could be compared to you and it makes me remember the poem we do recite during my nursery days in school. The poem goes thus;

Who sat and watched my infant head
When sleeping on my cradle bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed?
My Mother.

Who fed me from her gentle breast
And hush'd me in her arm to rest And on my cheek sweet kisses prest? My mother.

When sleep forsook my open eye who was it sung sweet hushaby And rock'd me that I should not cry? My mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry who gazed upon my heavy eye And wept for fear that I should die? My mother.

Who taught my infant lips to pray And love God's holy book and day And walk in wisdom's pleasant way? My mother.

When thou are feeble, old and gray My healthy arm shall be thy stay And I will soothe thy pain away ? My mother.

( My Mother by Ann Taylor)

I know this poem will bring back a lot of memories to you and some event that has happened over the years. You don't have to cry mom,I was also emotional when I was writing and reciting this poem too after so many years I have spent with you. I remember when I fell sick one day like that,you and dad quickly rushed me to the hospital and was admitted that day. Dad left for home that night to stay with my siblings but you stayed behind to watch over me during the night where you allowed mosquitoes to bite you,yet you were still chasing the mosquitoes away from me,what a caring mother that you are. I also remembered that day you were taking me to school and rain started falling all of a sudden,we ran to a nearby shop to hide ourselves,along the line I was feeling real cold and same applied to you. But still yet,you covered me with the only one wrapper that was with you while you were still open to the cold of the rain. What a caring mother you are. Did you know those times that I was still very small,I failed my exam and I felt very bad that day,instead of you to chastise me and talk to me in a way that I will cry so much but you didn't do that rather you encouraged me to work harder next time, that failure is a way to strengthen me for the next level and you hugged me.

I felt very blessed to have you in my life,I can never trade your love and care for money or anything. You are the best mom on earth that every child will pray to have. Is it your delicious food that I would say I did not remember,those spicy jollof rice of yours,hmmm,yummy yummy. Those pounded yam and vegetable soup with some assorted meat,Oh my God. Those sweet days I cannot forget,i really missed them.

I can't wait to finish my degree here and come to join you over there. I missed you so much. Extend my greetings to my dad and siblings,tell them I missed them as well. I will soon write to my dad too,I know he will be jealous that I wrote to you first but tell him he will his own too very soon. I didn't forget all that you told me to get,I have started getting them, so relax it will be sent to you soon. Take care of yourself and the family as a whole. Bye for now👋👋👋,I LOVE YOU❤️❤️.



The lead image is my mom,I took the picture on her birthday.

Thanks for reading❤️❤️.

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Written by
2 years ago


Nice write up 👏👏👏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You made me jealous, only if my mom is alive to read the text I planned writing too. That song, whenever I remember it, I cry because it is so emotional.

Your mom would be so happy to read this and I am sure you have sent a copy to her already?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eeyah, i am sorry I did. I already share the link to her. Don't worry,she is happy for what you are doing presently here on earth,she is happy with you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! You love you mum so much. I'm sure she's glad to have a wonderful son like you. Say hi to her

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks,i will extend your greeting to her

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good letter Adeyemi, you poured so much love and emotion, I hope she gets to see it. Time spent with family is everything

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks boss,she will see it because i sent the link to her too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So much love! I'm sure she misses you too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes,she did because i called her this morning to talk to her,she was so happy to hear from me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm pretty sure she is. Good for your for calling her :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sir

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a very good model for everyone to cherish their mothers and understand the place of mothers in our individual lives. Hence, we ought to celebrate them when we have the slightest opportunity to do some. Nice job bro.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am really grateful for your word. We should spare a lot of time for our mom,no matter how small the time might be,they will always cherish it. Thanks for reading and encouraging me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awwn That's so sweet of you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks dear🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really nice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago