April was good, May will be better for bitcoincash.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash

April happened to be one of the best Months for Bitcoincash. Bitcoincash had always enjoyed every moment of its existence despite the opposing forces but, breaking the $1k Mark in April was a sign that the future is certainly going to be great.

At the beginning of April, I wrote an article about how much I wanted to bitcoincash in the month. At some point into April,I began to think and started believing that, that particular article was written out of revelation or a prophetic declaration due to how awesomely and positively things were going. April became my best month so far in the world of bitcoincash.

In that month of April, I had encounters with many crypto-illitrates who I was able to successfully introduce and suggested trying out bitcoincash to them. Before the month ran out, many of them were already sending in testimonies and appreciations for opening their eyes to financial freedom. I couldn't write articles about each of my encounters due to how engaged I was with academic activities. But I sure made sure I Bitcoincashed!

In the same month of April, I made the highest BCH earnings off my articles on read.cash. In the pursuit to show off the best crypto in the world and correct some common misconceptions about bitcoincash, my articles found favour in the eyes of good people in the community; people that truly understand the value of bitcoincash and are not ashamed to stand up for it while standing against injustice and manipulations at anytime and anywhere.

I can not mention everyone but if there is someone I must truly appreciate then, it is @Ellie He is a very active BCH Supporter and he's dedicated to using his resources in encouraging BCH promotions evident from the numbers of articles he had generously Upvoted. His continuous encouragements have really impacted positively on my BCH enthusiasm, hodling and journey in general.

Due to how much I believe in the future of this coin, I made it a point to always hold on to my BCH asset,' be it from earnings or investment and only spend part of it when necessary. BCH pumping in April was a fortune to me as I watched my wallet grew fatter. I employed my basic trading skill which involves selling high and buying low to even increase my BCH holding. April was sure an interesting month.

But how is the month of May going to be? It is already looking promising and I believe May is going to be better than April. The truth about bitcoincash is that, as days pass by, more people get to learn about it, discover its usefulness and realize why it is being regarded as the best electronic cash in existence.

Bitcoincash is useful. Unlike the other shitcoins out there thriving at the mercy of Market manipulations, bitcoincash is a strongly rooted project which is naturally growing on a daily basis. Bitcoincash is not like any of those coin which one has to invest in with a strongly built gambling spirit. Bitcoincash is not a Ponzi scheme from which you can gain or loose massively in a matter of hours. Bitcoincash is slow but steady and sure.

There are many shitcoins out there which are without use aside the pump and dump. Bitcoincash is a coin meant to be used for payment and virtually any other thing money could be used for. The only thing limiting bitcoincash is awareness and that limit is currently being conquered by the well-meaning people of the community. Everyday, new people get inducted into the community and fall in love with this coin and try everything in their power to uphold its Glory and ensure its growth. This is the more reason BCH can never fall but will only keep climbing.

In this month of May, I'm going to continue doing all that's within my power to ensure the expansion of BCH's horizons. It is always my wish to tell new people how good BCH is. I have done that several times at every little opportunities. In this month, I will do more of that. In the spirit of evangelism, more BCH's inspired articles will come from me and I hope to watch BCH win massively both in the heart of people and crypto market this month.

Just hold on to your BCH because we're heading for a ride to greatness!

Bitcoincash is the most trustworthy electronic cash out there. It is also the most useful currency in existence because, it's even more useful than fiats.

$ 14.92
$ 14.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @majamalu
$ 0.10 from @mtrycz
+ 1
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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash


keep it up buddy so month of may is usefull for bch let's see what happens

$ 0.00
3 years ago