Oh yes! It is a brand new month and like you just read from the tittle, I want to bitcoincash!
I have been using bitcoincash since January and the experience can't be compared to anything. It is the best financial experience so far. It was such a lucky occurrence on my path that I boarded the bitcoincash bus and I don't think I'm ever alighting. The journey for me is going to continue so Long as bitcoincash remains the driver and I'm certain that we will safely arrive at the right destination.
There is a great responsibility that comes with setting up a goal. One is to set a goal and another thing is to be dogged in it's pursuit. I have set a lot of goals which I failed to achieve because I couldn't persevere due to specific challenges and unforseen circumstances. I'm not to be condemned for not reaching that particular goal but the judgement should come after I fail to try again. With that been said, I'm not going to warble about the great amount of Bitcoincash I would wish to accumulate in my wallet before or at the end of the month, but there are things I'm sure going to do in order to justify my title.
My aim for bitcoincash this new month is to bitcoincash and by bitcoincashing, there are lots of things I'm going to do with bitcoincash, do for bitcoincash and gain from bitcoincash.
Using bitcoincash
Yes, this is the most awesome experience one could get with bitcoincash. Like I earlier said, I have been using bitcoincash since January but bitcoincash wasn't the first money I used. Before bitcoincash, I use my local fiat for almost every transactions. It was a situation of suffering and smiling because I had no alternative. But since I got to learn about bitcoincash, the story changed and it became the situation of showing appreciation for allowing me use my money in the most effective way.
My transactions with bitcoincash has been without hitches and that's why I have made it a priority to ensure the maximum use of this coin in April. I usually order a lot of things online. Even though most of the stores don't accept bitcoincash, I will try as much as possible to shop with the few that do.
The physical stores and people I buy my things from, some of them accept bitcoincash. In the month of april, I will buy most of my needed things from these guys in order to ensure my goal is achieved.
Anyone, whether a friend or fellow student borrowing money from me this April would have to accept bitcoincash and also pay back with bitcoincash. I just hope my plans work and I experience the ultimate use of money with bitcoincash this April.
Preaching bitcoincash
The message to be preached is the message of bitcoincash. I am already aware that bitcoincash has no advertisment squad but it is the users' responsibility to make it known to others. I have been trying my best as regards to this aspect but, I'm including it as my April goal because, I want to specially intensify the act.
Few ways which have really worked for me include; Talking to a stranger, friend or relative about bitcoincash and proving it immediately by sending them few cents. Writing articles about bitcoincash and sharing to Reddit and other social media handles. Inviting people to bitcoincash powered platforms where they could easily earn money just by engagements. And the double pay Campaign which involves paying a seller double of the supposed amount once he or she accepts to be payed in bitcoincash (for goods worth not more than a dollar or 2 though).
In this month of April, I'm going to greatly increase the rate of this activities in order to achieve my goal.
Earning bitcoincash
I have been earning bitcoincash. About 80% of my earnings as a student is currently from bitcoincash. Most of the earnings come from my articles and posts about bitcoincash. I also occasionally trade bitcoincash on Binance and from that, I have gathered a reasonable amount over time.
In this month, I'm going to continue doing the stuffs that would earn me bitcoincash and ditch every other resource-consuming and unnecessary engagements for the clueless ones. Instead of Facebook and Twitter, I choose Read.cash and noise.cash because I know the advantages that are there for me. I will continue to accumulate bitcoincash so I can continue to enjoy the privilege of optimum use of money with bitcoincash.
If it sits right with you, feel free to join me let's bitcoincash!
I love bitcoin ❤️