The little child bellowed, "Nasaan ang aking espada, Mama?! Nasaan?" (Where is my sword, Mama?! Where is it?)
Someone might think it is a real sword. But actually it was just some old piece of a cabinet's remains. You know, those cheap cabinets that we buy from online sellers. Only to have everything crumble down at the slightest hint of weight.
It was not even shaped like a sword. It was rod-shaped. Haha. Well, the child's acting was magnificent.
I presented her with two similar parts but she insisted that it was her brother's. I have to find hers. What? I thought. They are all the same.
Maybe, she left some marker of some sort on the 'espada' so she knew what was hers. Okay, I told her. You have to look for it. Hands up!
She sat down and watched television. Silly kid. Not persistent enough. I prodded her to look for her 'espada' but she pretended not to hear me.
I always watched about swords and other things when I indulged in those Korean dramas or movies set in ancient times. And I imagined what it was like before when people wore swords on their waists. It was somehow scary, anytime you'll get your neck slashed.
So does my child even have an idea of what she's playing with? They would act like warriors at times when they play.
Shing shing shing shing! were the sound they emulated.
Yaaah! Chek!
It becomes eerie sometimes. Watching them with the influence of the animes they watch. It's just for play, I assured myself.
But I know I will need to ask them later what they thought about what they were playing with.
Hehe, same with my niece too. I think from watching movies. I think I'm giving a chance to ask my niece too..☺️
God bless you..🙏❤️