Developing a saving culture

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4 years ago

A healthy saving habit plays an important role in attaining financial freedom. A culture of saving helps you better control your money and secure your financial future. Here are a few ways you can discipline yourself and save more.

1. Know your expenses

The first and most important step to take if you want to start a saving journey is to get familiar with your monthly expenses. This way, you know how much you spend on things like rent, data and call credit, cable subscription, transportation, feeding, clothing, utilities, entertainment etc. You can also try out personal finance apps like “reach” to help you keep track of your expenses.

2. Save until you’ve reached your target.

Set a savings target. Nothing gets your motivation up than a target. It also helps you stay disciplined. Of course, you can keep saving, even after you meet your target. 

3. Do more with less

You should also watch out for places where you can get quality items at discounted amounts or relatively affordable prices. With this, you get more value by paying less, which leaves you more to save.

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good written article

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4 years ago

Hey man subscribed u, can u sub me back??

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4 years ago

Saving is quite difficult

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4 years ago

Saving is never an easy task

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4 years ago

Don't spend to impress, save your money

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4 years ago

A saving target can propel you to keep saving

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4 years ago

To save better, discover where you can buy less expensive things

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4 years ago

There's always a rainy day, what you save will be your umbrella

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4 years ago

If you can avoid women, you can save

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4 years ago

I feel there shouldn't be a limit to what you can save, keep saving and saving

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4 years ago

A priority list can help you avoid unnecessary spending

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4 years ago

Know your needs, when you need it and the actual place to get it at a subsidized rate

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4 years ago

Don't starve yourself in a bid to save. Save healthy

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4 years ago

A saving culture prevents you from the embarrassment of running to friends to borrow when you are in need

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4 years ago

Saving is a habit, if not developed, it won't work

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4 years ago

The beauty of savings comes when you can actually take care of your bills

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4 years ago

Sometimes try the local store than patronising supermarkets, it can help you cut cost

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4 years ago

Spend within the confers of your earnings

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4 years ago

A fixed bank deposit can help

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4 years ago

Discipline is needed for any committed saving culture

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4 years ago

You can decide to have a daily or weekly target depending on how your income comes in

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4 years ago

Secure your future by saving today

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4 years ago