Those Who are Wicked

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3 years ago
Topics: Learn, Time, Ideas, Motivation

Wicked People do not merely spend their time doing nothing to any good purpose, but spend it in wickedness. Such not only Lose their time, but do worse by hurting themselves and others as well.

Time is precious, because eternity depends upon it. By the wise use of time, we have the opportunity to escape eternal misery and obtain eternal blessedness. However, those who spend their time doing wicked works, not only neglect to improve their time to obtain eternal happiness.

some spend much time in wild living, engaging in unclean talk and unclean practices. They keep company with vicious, corrupt people, and spend their time corrupting and ensnaring the minds of others. These folk set bad examples and lead others into sin, undoing not only their own souls, but the souls of others as well.

Some spend their precious time gossiping and backbiting, talking against others. They live in contention, quarreling with others and brewing up strife. It would have been well for some men, and well for their neighbors, had they never done anything at all, because then they would have done no good but caused no hurt. Instead, they have done more hurt than they will ever do good. There are those for whom it would have been better if the towns where they lived would maintained them in doing nothing and kept them in a state of inactivity.

Those who have spent their time doing wickedness, if ever they do reform and embark on a different mode of living, will find that they have not only wasted the past, but have made work for their remaining time to undo the harm they have made work for their remaining time Is done, will look back over their lives and wish that they had no time at all! For the time that they have spent on earth will be worse to them than if they had spent all their time in hell.

Live a good life with good manners and free mind. Wicked life is a life of the dead.

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3 years ago
Topics: Learn, Time, Ideas, Motivation


This is both a reminder and a realization. This will surely share a lesson for random people to refrain from being under the unnecessary actions. ❤️

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3 years ago