The Secret Behind Being Lucky

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2 years ago

Is it possible to increase luck without visiting the Shaman?

Destiny are based on chance.

If we are in control of our destiny then we could simply lie in our couch waiting for our reward.

Luck certainly plays an important role in this grand puzzle of life. But let's forget about all superstitions and qdmit that luck was just named poorly. It id not a magical power mercy of the Gods or the spell of forest folk but rather quite measurable return on a set of predictable events.

Chance, accidents, and the bustling chaos of reality are almost impossible to predict or tamed. But luck is something fundamentally different.

Richard Wiseman, the English Professor of psychology from Hartford Sheykh University, believes that both luck and misfortune are the results of conscious manipulation of random events by humans. It just so happens that some people get it better than others.

He conducted a fascinating experiment through an advertisement on the newspaper. He asked those who considers themselves to be comolete losers or the lucky ones to contact him. Hundreds got in touch and each of them was assigned with a task. He gave them a newspaper and asked to ciunt all the photos on it. And you know what's the most interesting is, it took around 2 minutes for the group of losers to finish counting while the lucky ones needed only a few seconds.

How do you think? Why?

It is simple. He posted huge announcement on the second page that read "stop counting, there are 43 photographs in this newspaper". It was hard not to notice. The title took half a page. It literally screams on the face of the readers and the amazing thing is that the professor posted another one announcement in the middle of the newspaper just for laughs saying "stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this and win two hundred fifty dollars." It turned out that the so called losers missed even the second anmouncement and spent all their time deeply focused on counting pictures on strictly fulfilling the task without looking around.

Wiseman says that what we call luck is actually just a pattern of actions that combine the way of perceiving events and interacting with people. He noticed that unlucky people have to narrow a focus of attention. They are anxious and obsessed with security. Instead of joining an effortless dance of random choice, they are fixated in the control of reality lookinh for something specific. As a result, they waste numerous opportunities that are sailing pass them. They go to a party to look for a perfect partner ane miss the opportunity to make good friends. They look only at one type of job overlooking new opportunities for self development.

On the contrary, the lucky ones are constantly changing the course of their usual action and looking for something new. Wiseman noted people who considered themselves successful were simply more likely to find themselves in situations in which anything could happen thus they increased the chance of success whole the losers did not. The lucky ones tried more, made more mistakes but if they failed they would quickly get up, brush themselves off and try again. And in the end everything worked out for them.

Wiseman compared this behavior to harvesting apples in the garden. If you imagine that these two type of persons were given a basket and asked to collect as many apples as possible, then the losers will go over the same tree over and over and as a result collecting less and less. While the lucky ones would never return to the same spot and their basket will always be full

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2 years ago


So if you wanted to be lucky, you should look for opportunities

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2 years ago


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