The life of a squirrel

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Squirrels are small, busy creatures that appear to be in constant motion. Now you see her; now you don't. But perhaps the most impressive thing about the squirrel is its large, bushy tail.

The name "squirrel" draws attention to this appendix. The English name of this creature comes from "Greek yacht", "shadow tail", "ski", "shadow" and "spring", "tail". Since about a third of every squirrel is a tail, the description "shadow tail" seems like an urgent choice. for a name.

The squirrel family is widespread and can be found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South and North America. The most common tree squirrels are the gray squirrel found in North America and the red squirrel which lives in Europe and Asia.

A squirrel's tail is a very useful appendix. When this wide-legged creature jumps from branch to tree branch to another, its tail helps maintain balance. When faced with an antagonist, the squirrel can use its tail as a protective shield. When the temperature drops, the tail works well as a blanket. The tail can also serve as an umbrella when plucked on the animal's back when it rains.

Squirrels are excellent jumpers and can fall from great heights without injuring themselves. In one jump, a squirrel can jump on a log three or four feet off the ground and then be tied up. Sometimes a squirrel can land on a lazy branch and fall to the ground, or lose its balance and fall. Like a parachute, the tail slows the creature down. Yes, thanks to its big thick tail, a squirrel can fall hundreds of meters and then flee like lightning.

Even a squirrel that can fall from a great height without being injured has evasion value. Pressed hard by an enemy, a squirrel can deliberately fall to the ground and walk safely through the brush.

These bushy-tailed creatures also have other ways of dealing with intruders. Originally, the animal can fall back on noisy grounds. If that doesn't work, he can quickly turn to the other side of the trunk or tree branch and thus hold the trunk or tree branch between himself and the unwanted visitor. If this is not enough, the squirrel can quickly spread to higher altitudes. Camouflage is also useful. Standing still, a gray squirrel appears to be part of a tree trunk or branch. In the event that the chicks are threatened by a bird of prey, a squirrel may get up on its hind legs and strike the attacker.

Squirrels are known to crowd together. With a nut in its mouth, the squirrel digs a hole with its forefoot, places the nut on the ground and covers it with soil. It is estimated that it takes seven minutes for a gray squirrel to bury ten nuts. A single squirrel can hide around 10,000 nuts over a three month period. Many nuts that are not dug up and eaten later are planted. In this way, squirrels contribute a lot to the propagation of trees.

Even if the ground is covered by 12 inches or more, squirrels don't seem to have a hard time finding the nuts they have buried. What allows you to do this? It is believed that a strong sense of smell is the main factor.

Red squirrels are active hamsters with cones. One of these squirrels can cut over a hundred cones in an hour. The animal then piles them up and covers them with leaves or hides them in a hole in a tree. A red squirrel can land in a store with three to ten bushes (1 to 3.5 hectoliters) of cones.

Besides being beautiful, squirrels are also very busy. The next time you see these adorable creatures in battle, remember that they do a valuable tree planting service.

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$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder


This is nice

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Thanks for sharing enjoyed reading your article

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3 years ago

This is good...great writing skills

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