Spending The Holidays Alone

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2 years ago

Many people around the world spend their holidays surrounded by friends, colleagues and family, but some may experience more alone time than others.

If you’re spending holiday solo this year, here are a few tips to embrace being alone during the holidays.

Do Everything On Your To-do List

If you don't have one, you can easily create.

The best part about having a few days to yourself? You can finally finish tasks you were too busy to complete during the year.

  1. Organize your closet

  2. budget your expenses.

  3. Redecorate your room

  4. Learn to Play an Instrument.

  5. Video Chat with Friends (host virtual game night, happy hour, chat with old friends)

  6. Mix Up a New-to-You Cocktail🙃.

    you can be productive without any distractions.

Discover Something New

We get so comfortable going through the motions of everyday life. So change it up this season by trying a new restaurant, taking a class, or visiting a museum to broaden your activities and interests.

Rekindle An Old Love

No, I don’t mean hunt down an ex-lover 😂😂. Finish this sentence, “I used to love…” Now, whatever the answer is, that’s what you should do😂😂. Maybe it’s a childhood hobby like arts and crafts or something you haven’t had time for like reading enormous novels, playing video games whatever it is, you’ll fall back in love with it in no time.

Indulge In Guilty Pleasures

Chances are, there’s something you love that drives others crazy.

  1. Love music? Sing it at the top of your lungs.

  2. Can’t get enough of reality TV? Add it to your queue.

  3. day dreaming or fantasizing.

  4. taking selfie after selfie till you see the perfect one

  5. Eating nutella out of the jar.

  6. Eating the pack of sweets and chocolates that are supposed to be for the kids.

    Allow yourself to really enjoy the things you love for a major mood boost.

Do Nothing

On the flip side, this is also the best time to do absolutely nothing. Sleep all day 😂, eat breakfast in bed, or have a one person dance party 😂😂 I know it's weird but make the most of your time alone, play some video games, try preparing your meal even though you're bad at cooking.

Just find what you love ❤️u doing and you will enjoy your holiday.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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Written by
2 years ago


If school will give us a better break ooo...this was good I enjoyed seeing those drawings

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow this is nice 👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago