Hi Readers!
My today's article is in continuation to my previous articles "Writer's - SWOT" or you can say it is next step after SWOT analysis.
To start anything or to work upon any idea we should use PDCA for the best results.
What is PDCA?
PDCA is a technique which can be an effective tool to start or to work upon any idea come in your mind. This technique is mostly used to start- up a business or to improve the business activities for next level of improvement but as usual this technique is also used by all of us in our day to day life. We use it all the time but taking it causally that's why we might miss to use it properly. PDCA stands for:
1) P - Plan
2) D - Do
3) C - Check
4) A - Act
I said we are using it every day many time, don't be surprised I will tell you, why I am saying that? Let's take a case study.
Let's suppose we want to go to the market to buy a smart phone and we want that we should buy the best and latest phone in one round so how we excute it.
1) Plan:
We plan to buy and smart phone like:
1) Brand should be this or that (we think and choose for 2-3 brands)
2) We decide the budget for that.
3) We search for the latest one with latest feature.
4) We compare 2-3 brands
5) We compare the Features camera, screen, sound etc.
6) We take some feed back about the brand if our any friend or family member was using it.
7) How we will go to the market with own vehicle or through public transport.
8) Where we can found decide brand easily.
So this is how we plan or use first step of PDCA. Studies say for good results use maximum time to plan.
2) Do:
So in step one our plan has finalized and now it's time to excute (Means Do) or time to do what you have decided in plan stage.
Like if we decide that we will use public transport and we took a bus and go to the market and ask for brand, model, colour . Means if you have planed it well it will not take much time or it will not confuse you at this stage.
3) Check:
In this stage we check our plan vs execution like we plan to use public transport so was it comfortable or not, and wheather that brand was available in your decided market or not. Weather phone is working properly, all the features they have mentioned are upto the mark or not etc
4) Act:
Now we react or act as per our experience. We improve the bad area and learn from the previous action and share or feedback.
Like: if we found public transport was not good or was wasted lot of time last time so next time we will avoid it or we suggest someone to go with their own vehicle.
Similarly we can suggest friends for the best market experience or best phone brand performance .
So this is how we are use PDCA every day but we don't notice it and similarly if we use this technique in for our important decisions it can be a game changer.
Tital image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=pdsa+cycle&oq=&aqs=chrome.2.35i39i362l5...5.-1j0j7&client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=rTU3y3jyMKHTrM
Great acronym, I am thinking if i am doing that in my life i guest yes especially in the school..