Getting ready for October

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1 year ago

It is that time of the month again. When the new month approaches and we all prepare to take that final leap into a new month. A new month filled with a whole lot of new possibilities. New goals, new intentions, and a desire to do better in some areas and, in some cases to not do anything at all in some areas. I have been there so many times before in the fact that I have come up with a few tips to share with you just in case you want to add them to your list of things to do to get the most out of the new month that is just beginning.

Having started September with a bang next comes the struggle to keep pace with your resolution. Now that most of us have had the great pleasure of September winning big in some areas, and failing in some other areas, it is time to decide what it is we want to achieve in the coming month.

First, though, congratulations on the achievement of September. So long as you didn’t set high-end goals for yourself in September, you should probably consider yourself in the clear.

So what’s on the cards for October?

As you know, the month of October is here and that means that we should all revise our goals and try to come up with a better plan that will help us get closer to reaching our goals this term. The best way to achieve the goals we may have is by revising them based on the progress we make each day and therefore, I have found it appropriate to share with you some ideas that may help you get the most out of the new month.

This is the last leap of September. The time to take a record of your winnings, failures, and learning lessons for the month. So take this opportunity to reflect on the month that is passing out in your life, in your career, in your blogging journey, and in your relationship. What were the highs? What were the lows? What did you enjoy the most? And what would you like to see change?

One thing I've noticed about successful people is that they all have a strategy, a mission, and a plan of action. But sometimes it's hard to know where to get started. Next month, let's use this time to get more focused on our goals and strategic planning.

The beginning of a new month is always a time to reflect and evaluate where we're at and where we're going. To help you get the most out of the new month, I've listed 5 things to consider before starting the next month.

1. Create a Vision

Everything starts with a vision. Before you can take action or make decisions, you have to create a vision. If you don't have a vision, how can you possibly know if you're moving forward?

I mean, how will you know if you're happy? And what the heck does it even mean to be happy?

It's so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day life, that we forget to stop and think about what we are aiming for. We all need to slow down and consider what we're working toward.

Are you creating a vision for the new month? Are you writing down your vision and reviewing it daily? At the beginning of every month, I create a vision for the upcoming 30 days. This provides me with a road map for what I want to achieve and what I want to focus on. Focusing on your goals is great, but unless you have a vision that you are creating with intention, it's easy to get distracted by life or fail to stick with your goals.

2. Create a Vision Board

Visualize your vision by creating a vision board. This will help you stay focused on your vision and keep your mind from being distracted by other things going on in your life.

A vision board is a visual reminder of what you want to attract into your life. Start by writing down everything about your vision on pieces of paper. Then select images that remind you of those things and place them on a board.

Not only will you have created a creative vision board for achieving anything you wish to achieve, but you will have also written down everything you want to achieve stage by stage. Instead of trying to recall what to do next, you have laid it all out in front of you so you can be inspired by your creative visions.

3. Get a little bit organized

Some of us usually approach or do things anyhow without any proper organization. We dive just into anything and everything that comes up without evaluating how best they fit into our plans. This usually slows us down from achieving our goals.

Learn to distinguish between the important and the unimportant activities. For example, You know it's a target for you to at least write an article a day, but instead, you spend most of the hours of the day discussing politics on Facebook or watching Netflix, and by the time you are done, you are already exhausted and have no inspiration for writing. The less time we spend on other things, the better.

4. Start learning new skills

Some people think they can't learn a skill without having any prior knowledge or experience. They might not know where to begin. I'm not saying this is the case, but they should be encouraged to be a part of something new. At least start. There are a lot of new opportunities and new platforms coming up every day in the crypto space, find something that aligns with your interest and goals and go for it.

As a blogger in this space, it's necessary to learn about blockchain and cryptocurrency. Don't just sit on the bench as a collector and spender, join in the building of products in the metaverse. Everything is about learning.

5. Don't forget to stay motivated

Most people tend to lose motivation after they have been working for too long. You can try to motivate yourself, keep up with the pace, work on your strength, be consistent in what you do, and stay positive. If you're not motivated to go out and work, there's no way you can be motivated in other tasks. Keep in mind that everything is temporary It is a risk to give up on something you've been putting in action for so long and have it come to an end. So try to keep your motivation alive and well, no one else can do this for you. Be yourself.

Most of us are so focused on doing the right thing and making sure that we do our best to help our families, friends, and loved ones, that sometimes we forget the real reason why we did all this. So try not to feel bad, if things don't turn out the way you want.


This is my own opinion and may not apply to you, but, this can be a good starting point. When you have your goals, you will have to try and find a way of reaching them without taking on too much responsibility. It will be easier if you learn a new skill that you can use this month in comparison to the ones that are daily. I know that this may seem very basic, however, if we are to find the best ways to reach our goal, that's what we will do. I am always happy when I had the chance to learn something new. It is not always easy to learn new things, but the rewards are far more than you may expect. I encourage you to find a way in which you can practice it too and then move on to the new month.

I am going to make this a challenge for you all to write about your goals for the new month and how you planned to achieve those goals. If you would like to join in on my challenge, start setting your goals for the new month, and write about your plans for achieving them. You can tag me in your article, so I read it.

I hope you all have a great month and enjoy the changes it brings.

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1 year ago


Officially I can say Happy new month hahaha and it's my birth month. I don't know what to do with myself this month 😂🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy new month 🎉 In Ady in you, you can do all that pleases your heart and don't forget to give yourself the best.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much sir. Deeply appreciated...🤗🤗🤗 My warm regards to the family.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for the motivation. I have many unacomplished plans and I hope this new month will see me accomplish them

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Let's make October better in every way. Let's go for more!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly it is time to welcome October. With new mind set and vision, I am hopeful for doing great this month. Thanks for giving motivational tips in your article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago