A cry of an angry man against a corrupt system

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2 years ago

I felt anger in my spine while typing this article, corruption eating deeper into the soul of the human race. Hacking, stealing, bribery, manipulation, and injustice are the order of the day. Even the crypto space that is said to be decentralized is not spared from the corrupt vampires of our days.

In a world with so much corruption, you have to be brave and strong-willed to survive. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. There are no morals, values, or principles anymore. The only way to succeed is to do whatever you have to to get ahead. It's a society where only the strongest and the smartest survive. The smallest of our mistakes could cost us more than we can afford.

The director won't give you a contract except you pay upfront. The bank won't give you a loan except you concede a certain amount of the loan percentage. The man supervising the contract won't give you a job except you rub his palm. The accounting department won't issue your payment voucher or cheque unless you scratch back.

It's as if the world has become blind, deaf, and dumb. Nobody seems to care that there is so much wrong going on around us. We are so comfortable in our ignorance that we don't even notice when evil takes over our world. But the problem is that no one had a voice, if you think otherwise, people think you are sick and not normal. Should you try to stand in their way, you put your life in danger, you may even get killed for speaking up against a corrupt system, and there is no justice to seek redress against the perpetrators. It's a justice of the highest bidder.

As far as corruption goes, it's all over the world. The police are out of control. The courts can’t be trusted. And every week, another so-called holy man is arrested on scandalous charges. Police are seizing millions of money from motorists, judges want kickbacks for favorable outcomes, and so-called holy men can’t be trusted to keep their hands off young girls.

The world has become corrupt. Money seems to be the only thing that people care about, they are not happy unless they have millions and millions of dollars. Often this leads people to do things they wouldn't normally do. We live in a world that is diverse and different from our imaginations. This world, where we turn into "less worthy" humans, stole our dignity, respect, self-esteem. Everyone is desperate about money, even they can kill anybody and anything that stand between them and money.

In the evil world of today, money is everything. This is a world that teaches how to steal, lie, cheat and murder to get ahead. It is a world where even your family members can betray you for the sake of money.

Try to initiate a project for the benefit of all in your village, everyone in the village would struggle to get have a grip on your pocket. The Carpenters, the bricks layers, the Mason, the village leaders, government representatives, and even your blood brother who supervised the work on your behalf still would not spare your pocket. Where do we go from here?

All that exists in the world is just to see some people prosper at the expense of other people's sacrifice. They will take your money, exhaust you, dishonor you and give nothing back to society. They are selfish and greedy.

Corruption, moral bankruptcy, greed, and selfishness are the adjectives to describe this generation. A generation that removed the landmark of the forefathers. Everyone thinks about himself, no one thinks about the welfare of another man. Unless we all redress our thoughts and actions, we will have no world left for our children and grandchildren. This is a battle! Gone are the days of complacency, sitting on the fence, and remaining silent when you know what is happening.

The short-sightedness of small-minded politicians continues to power the wheel of ruthless exploitation of resources, and people. We are all participants in another man's thoughts and actions even if we do not realize it. The time has come to find an end to the corruption that causes the indelible stain on our planet. We must become aware of the effect we have and stop adding to this wretchedness.

I have tried to change things, but my attempts are futile, no one can stop this corruption of our thoughts and actions. The only way to redress this is through all of us willing to be transparent, open, and honest about this world. All of us have to make lifestyle changes in our personal lives and adopt an attitude of empathy towards all other beings on this planet. Then perhaps we can start a movement that prevents future generations from having to deal with the problems that we are currently facing.

Let's start looking at the problems we face and go from there. Think about what is important in YOUR life and YOUR family's life. Ask yourself this question, What does it mean to live in an ethical world? Our environment and future generations need us to leave behind a better world. We can't do this if the economy is based on selfishness and greed. Are you willing to fight for your kids?

We know we can't change the whole world. What we can do is create an environment where human beings are nice to each other. This should start from the family This world is corrupt, but good always triumphs over evil in the end, so our job is to fight and persevere so that humanity wins again in the end. It's easy to feel totally powerless in today's world, but we still have influence, we can't fix corrupt politicians, but we can choose not to vote for them; we can't make people less violent and greedy, but we can choose not to be violent or greedy ourselves.

The world is crumbling. It's corrupt, it's violent, and it's greedy. People are hurting people, and even the most seemingly harmless institutions can be used to manipulate or harm people. But you have power over your own life: you can choose to act in ways that make the world a better place for others, even if they don't deserve it. Don't wait for change; make the change.

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2 years ago


Yes this is the problem. More and more people want the easy way in life. They even gang up on the honest people just because most of them are corrupt. Those who protect the environment are killed off one by one just so the corrupt can get their hands on more natural resources. How stupid of them when if they deplete the natural resources it is humanity that will suffer.

This is a sad situation indeed that's why we must continue to fight it. We must keep being honest people and be an example to others. It is sad that we can't change others, only ourselves, but hopefully if we are good examples to children one day we can change this world. I pray this pandemic teaches us how to be better people. We must remember the lessons it is teaching us even after it has ended. For it will end soon for sure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The level of corruption in the world makes me feel scared and sorry for my unborn child because it is very clear that help is not coming. I can't imagine going to renew my voter's card which is done freely only for the people working in that office to deny me access because I refused to grease their palm with money. It's very terrible because I was just alone and no one cared. We are really doomed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yikes! This post is definitely an interesting one. Interesting in a way that feels so real. This writeup really conveys a lot of emotion. Lovely writeup

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, very interesting your post. I think the same, our closest environment is full of corruption. You are right, it is a big battle. In my family we were educated under solid values of what honesty is. At home we are transparent and open to consolidate Christian values. Those same values we teach now to our grandchildren. Thank you for sharing. Greetings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi buddy.

Feeling anger is part of the problem of the evils of society. Of course, this is an emotion that for some reason that we do not know in depth we possess. It's part of our nature.

The world needs love. The problem is that love is not the feeling that cartoons teach us. Love is more than an emotion or the simple attraction that binds us to others.

Imagine what the world would be like under the aegis of pure love. I believe that love defines the perfection of morals and ethics from a higher perspective.

We must first find love in ourselves to love others. I think it is unnecessary to clarify what kind of love we need.

Happy day my friend. God bless you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Excellent write up. Part 2 should be potential solutions that revolve around personal liberty, P2P transactions and censorship resistance. Thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for this suggestion, I will definitely take it up. "Potential solutions that revolves around personal liberty" Great topic for a great discussion. Look out for it soonest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i could certainly feel the disappointment in your article...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

to be honest, i don' t see the world getting better unless we accept we need the help of God. We need God to help us become better people because the human nature is selfish and wicked.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Corruption is everywhere around the globe only that some are highly sophisticated but no matter what we call it, corruption is the height of an indisciplined society. I just begin to wonder what corrupt officials are aimed at when they embezzled public funds for personal aggrandizement.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The fact remains that we are just living under our own control but not the control of the government. What they only want is for them to siphon our national cake.

They are filled with corrupt minds and even in all parastatal, so, no one has the mind of revealing the evils they are doing. This is because they have taken over all the areas they supposed to be caught.

Only God will help us...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our system of government is so corrupt that it only God the that can rescue us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

System is inherently corrupt, no matter where you are

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow. We think alike, sir. I wrote something earlier today about the decadence in our society perpetuated by those at the helm of affairs and reading this and the generalization makes so much sense as greed, corruption and lack of conscience has eaten so deep into the core of human minds. It's saddening.

$ 0.00
2 years ago