"Patience is a flower that doesn't grow in every garden".

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Patience is like a flower that grows slowly. Are they people who can wait for it??? It is difficult to say that patience is a flower that grows in every garden because not all gardeners plants all types of flower.so not everyone can develop the act of being patient.

This also means that patience is a golden virtue that cannot be handled by everyone.

The emotional and spiritual reward of Patience are diminished by our reluctance to allow patience develop slowly overtime.people tend to get results right away.

We are not tolerant of someone's character, but want others to tolerate ours, like the golden rule states "Do unto others what you want them to do unto you".

Anticipating and waiting are key parts on the process of developing the virtue (patience).

Frequent question that pops up today in our society is "I just did this where is my reward or is my work Futile"???

Patience is like planting a rose flower. When you plant,the first thing is to allow them grow and nurture them to their ultimate size,then,and only then, can you redirect their energy from growing to producing rose blooms.so it is likened to patient....

Patience is not grown and developed just once but it takes time and due process but when it is all grown to a full stage it begins to yield fruits and evidences begins to bloom.i will like to share a story on the reward for being patient:

Two best friends(Tayo and Bayo) graduated from the same university the Same year and and course as well with very good grades.

They were both searching for jobs but all their efforts yielded no result, so they became frustrated and didn't Know what to do.

On a faithful day Bayo met his childhood friend Frank and Frank was so rich and spent money like they were just piece of paper,so Frank gave bayo his credit card and told him to call him.On getting home Bayo told Tayo about who he encountered on his way back.

So the next day Bayo called Frank and he was told to come visit him with his friend Tayo.

When they got to Frank's house they were marvelled at what they saw, he was living like a president.

They were asked to sit on the couch and wait for him to come downstairs, on Frank's arrival they narrated their ordeal to him and he told them not to worry, that he can be of help to them but they will work for it by themselves,he asked them if they were ready for anything they nodded in agreement.he told them what he did to get his money and they left without saying a word because Frank told them to go home and ponder over it and come back to give a reply.

On getting home Tayo refused to do it but Bayo was so desperate on making money so he agreed and went back to meet Frank.

On their first operation to rob a rich politician who just came back from the u.s(United States),they were caught and arrested.

Weeks later, Tayo got a call from one of the company they both submitted their c.v to and he was told that he and his friend Bayo should come for an interview but unfortunately Bayo was in the prison so he went for the interview and ended up getting the job.

When he went to visit Bayo he narrated everything to him and Bayo started to weep and wished he he could turn back the hands of time but it was already too late...

Indeed patience really pays off,there Is a saying that the patience dog eats the fattest bone, so we should learn to be Patient no matter what because we never know what plan God has in store for us...

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Very nice article,i love it, I relate myself of patience,patience is very important character of the person because without patient maybe it goes being war person to person,...

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3 years ago

Patience is really important in achieving something. Everything that is achieved through hardwork and patience is worth it.

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3 years ago

This is truly a wonderful one, the patient dog always eat the fattest bone, it may only take sometime but surely patience would be rewarded

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3 years ago

Out of all virtues, it is safe to say that patience is the most essential thing. Due to the fact that, In this kind of system of our society, we may experience a lot of disappointments and somehow triggering our emotions to burst. However, through massive amount of understanding, the moment we put ourselves to their shoes is also the moment that they've enlightened us to their perspective and patience is to choose to understand the situation.

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3 years ago